Survivor meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Survivor
As noun : उत्तरजीवी Ex:  Later rabbinical legends made Og a survivor of the flood उ:   उनके नाना-नानी होलोकौस्ट उत्तरजीवी थे।
Other :
उत्तर Ex:  Police took the only survivor at the address उ:   इसके उत्तर में बर्फ मानों क्षितिज तक जमी हुई है। उत्तरजीवक Ex:  The official investigation attributed the statement to survivor Valeen Schnurr. जो किसी के पीछे तक जीता रहें Ex:  The last reported survivor of the Galveston Hurricane of 1900, Mrs.
Usage of Survivor in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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