Suspect meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Suspect
As noun : अपराधी समझना Ex:  The police strong-armed the suspect
कोँपना Ex:  The police chased down the suspect . क्षतिग्रस्त Ex:  I suspect Amy is not very smart . उ:   वर्तमान में यह महल काफी क्षतिग्रस्त हो चुका है। छिबना Ex:  She hauled up the suspect before the judge . द्वंद्वभूत Ex:  Foreigners were immediately suspect due to the ongoing Second Anglo-Dutch War. पर शक करना Ex:  Much has been written about the suspect nature of Parker's business practices. लगना Ex:  A heart free from suspicion, who do not suspect विक्लिष्ट Ex:  His perpetual hesitations rendered suspect his good faith विचिकित्सित Ex:  I do not have proof of his intervention but I suspect विशयी Ex:  I suspect he is the author of the anonymous letter शंकिनी Ex:  If suspect something श्रंथित Ex:  Suborned witnesses, blameless, suspect सँदेहिल Ex:  The testimony of the man is suspect संदिग्ध व्यक्ति Ex:  the truth of this testimony One can not suspect संदेहास्पद Ex:  This made him suspect to his party उ:   परंतु यह समय काफी संदेहास्पद हो गया है। सन्देहयुक्त मनुष्य Ex:  You'll never guess in ten, a hundred, said, speaking of a thing which it is assumed that the one to whom we speak do never suspect सहृल्लेख Ex:  , I am not a soothsayer, is said to be heard we could suspect a certain thing, or that we can not understand if it is better explained सांशायिक Ex:  A suspect
As verb : सन्देह करना Ex:  We suspect some foreign interna
Other : अविश्वास का पात्र Ex:  The suspect was questioned by the police कलंकी Ex:  The suspect was charged with murdering his wife. कलंकी Ex:  Just between you and me, I suspect Mrs . भरम करना Ex:  The discoverers suspect शंका करना Ex:  I suspect to have me served with you शक करना Ex:  My rapporteur suspect me श‌ंका करना Ex:  suspect Testimony श‌ंकितक Ex:  The origin of his fortune is suspect संदिग्ध Ex:  There are between these two stories of analogies time and circumstances that make suspect that it is the very fact variously told उ:   किंतु इसका यह अर्थ नहीं है कि बौद्ध धर्म पर वैदिक प्रभाव संदिग्ध है। संदेह करना Ex:  Therefore we kept the suspect for सन्देह का पात्र Ex:  You do not suspect the gravity of your words सोचना Ex:  I suspect the fidelity of this strong domestic स‌ंदेह करना
Suspect ki paribhasha : kisi prakaar ka nirnay karake parinaam nikaalane ya bhavitavy ko jaanane ke liye buddhi ka upayog karana do padaarthon ka tal aapas men milana kisi prakaar ki kshati uthaanevaala kisi baat ko achchhi tarah jaan lena
Usage of Suspect in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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