Sweat meaning in hindi
As noun : अँगधातु Ex: The lady quaked with sweat when the police approached her.
अँगुरियाना Ex: Sweat is produced by sweat glands. घर्मविंदु Ex: I managed to sweat out the exam . घर्मांबु Ex: They used steam to sweat out the f lu . तनुरस Ex: Mammary glands are highly specialized sweat glands. तनुसर Ex: The product of this gene is a chloride ion channel important in creating sweat निदाघ Ex: The most commonly-used form of testing is the sweat test. निस्त्रव Ex: In 1952, Paul di Sant' Agnese discovered abnormalities in sweat electrolytes परेशान करना Ex: A land fertilized by human sweat पसीना आना Ex: cause sweat ; Made of naturally sweat or by operation of a suitable drug पसीना Ex: His shirt was all sweat dripping उ: ज्यादा पसीना आने की शिकायत से आराम मिलता है। पसेउ, पसेऊ Ex: human or animal, where sweat makes her पसेव Ex: Hunting Place where wild beasts retire to dry after rain or morning dew, or to dry their sweat पिड़काना । Ex: It also said that the sweat accumulates on the body of the horse प्रछेद Ex: It s' employs not only in this phrase, Sweat beaded his forehead, speaking of sweat drops that appear on the forehead प्रेमजल Ex: It was all sweaty, sweat while dripping श्रमजल Ex: The body excretes sweat श्रमसीकर Ex: The sweat came to my forehead श्रमांबु Ex: The sweat flowed from his face स्वेदजल Ex: The sweat ran down his long face, abundantly flowing स्वेदवारि Ex: This causes sweat स्वेदोद, स्वेदोदक Ex: This secret begins to sweat
As verb : पसीना निकलना Ex: Getting through the pores a body by a sort of sweat
Other : घोर परिश्रम करना Ex: They couldn't sweat out the information . चूना Ex: Living mammal species can be identified by the presence of sweat glands उ: चूनापत्थर, खड़िया या सीप को जलाकर यह चूना बनाया जाता है। टहल करना Ex: Mammals have sweat glands, a defining feature present only in mammals. परिश्रम करना Ex: Place closed which is more or less the temperature warms to sweat परेशान करना. Ex: A cold sweat पसीना लाना Ex: His forehead, his hair dripping sweat प्रस्वेद Ex: It took him a small sweat उ: ;स्वरभंग वैपथ प्रस्वेद अंग ढरक्यो। मेहनत करना Ex: Medicine That causes sweat रिसना Ex: Sweating, make the sweat from skin pores स्वेद Ex: The sweat of death उ: इससे मल, मूत्र और स्वेद का निर्हरण भी ठीक प्रकार से होता है।
Sweat ki paribhasha : pasina laanevaali aushadh chooana jisamen kisi chij ke choone yogy chhed ya daraj ho bahut hi chhote chhote chhidron dvaara chhan chhanakar baahar nikal jaana vah drav padaarth jo kisi padaarth ke pasijane par nikale sharir men mila hua jal jo adhik parishram karane athava garami lagane par saare sharir se nikalane lagata hai
ExamplesUsage of Sweat in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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