Sweet meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sweet
As noun : अच्छा Ex:  The best adornment of a human being is his sweet temper. उ:   हाइड्रोजन अच्छा अपचायक है।
अपोच Ex:  She tends to be leery of sweet talking people. आकर्षक Ex:  I have a very sweet pekineses. उ:   पूर्वी सिक्किम राज्य का सबसे आकर्षक क्षेत्र है। आकर्षिक Ex:  Jelly is a sweet food made from sugar water and fruit . आभिरामिक Ex:  The sweet sound of giggles was coming from the back of the classroom. खुब Ex:  The sweet bread of calf is liked by the non-vegetarian. गंधग्राही Ex:  He manipulates people with his sweet talk. चहेना Ex:  Tom is sweet on Mary . चितचोर Ex:  Mary's sweet on him, too . जीवधन Ex:  "Such a sweet sight had never been seen by the men in all our travels". जीवनधन Ex:  In the Southern states sweet tea is the fashion. जोष्य Ex:  The perfume has high notes of sweet pea and rose. तिलौनी Ex:  It was very sweet and Elvis was the perfect gentleman". दिलरूबा Ex:  The Sugar Association uses the trademark tagline "Sugar: sweet by nature". निक Ex:  Chicken eggs are widely used in many types of dishes, both sweet and savory. नोनो Ex:  A dish with a sweet taste परिमुग्ध Ex:  A sweet emotion पिअरवा ‡ Ex:  A sweet herbal tea with honey पुण्यगंधि Ex:  A sweet hope पुदुगल Ex:  A sweet memory प्यारा Ex:  A sweet sleep प्राणकांत Ex:  A sweet smile प्राणधन Ex:  A sweet surprise प्राणनाथ Ex:  A sweet union प्राणपति Ex:  As it is changed! As you treat me bad! As it is sweet to think that प्राप्तरूप Ex:  be sweet as honey, be all sugar and all honey, be suave, do doucereux प्रियपात्र Ex:  By analogy, Palm Brain, sweet marrow which is in the trunk of some palm प्रिये Ex:  By extension, a way of speaking sweet प्रीऊ Ex:  Chemistry Principle sweet starch, grapes प्सुर Ex:  Common name of Juniper common sweet shrub whose leaves are cylindrical, slightly long and pointed at the end, and bears, as laurel, a small round black fruit फाइन Ex:  Conduct a sweet life भाउन Ex:  Dijon mustard, sweet mustard, spicy, strong भोजनोपरान्त मिष्ठान Ex:  Dry wine, wine that is not sweet, not sweet मंजुस्वन Ex:  experience a sweet surprise मधरा Ex:  From sweet entertainment मधुर Ex:  From sweet looks उ:   वे बहुत ही मधुर बीन बजाते थे। मधुरात्र Ex:  Gland sweet, edible fruit of several oak species sweet acorn मनकर्पत Ex:  Heliotrope Peru is highly sought after because of the sweet smell of flowers मनभावता Ex:  In the language of children, this word refers to any kind of sweet मनमोहन Ex:  It also said moral things that flatter the soul, the mind, like the sweet taste substances flatter मनोरवा ‡पु० Ex:  It is a very sweet duty to fulfill मायोभव Ex:  It is very sweet to live with friends मिठाई Ex:  Little more than ordinary sweet orange orange orange tangerine producing उ:   यह त्योहारों की प्रचलित मिठाई है। मिष्टत Ex:  Quality of what is sweet मिष्टाई Ex:  substantively, the bitter and the sweet मिष्ठान Ex:  SUGAR says, in terms of physiology, sweet Principle in the blood and in diabetics, passes into the urine उ:   घेवर, सावन का विशेष मिष्ठान माना जाता है। मीठ Ex:  Sweet almond oil or sweet almond मीठी Ex:  The bitter and the sweet are two qualities contrary उ:   मीठी खीर भी यहाँ पसन्द की जाती है। मुधरा Ex:  The dessert is now generally sweet मुन्ना Ex:  The milk, honey, sugar is sweet मुबारक Ex:  The sweet name of mother मृदुभाषी Ex:  These flowers give off a sweet smell मोदक Ex:  These pears are sweet sweet melons मोदकिका Ex:  This horse has a very sweet allure रूषित Ex:  Who is a fatty substance and sweet लज्जतदार Ex:  Who touches the heart, that moves especially if he says, speaking of sweet emotions and touching लड़ता Ex:  yellowish oil, corrosive, toxic and extremely sweet great explosive force, which is obtained by glycerin react to nitric acid लतीफ Ex:  , Golden Days spun silk, A sweet and happy life ललित, Ex:  , Honest boy told properly a well-behaved boy, whose manners and inclinations are honest and sweet लाड़लड़ैता Ex:  , The air, the wind is sour, it is not sweet it has something spicy व्हाला Ex:  Fruit mangosteen, the size of a small orange and a sweet flavor, slightly acid with a raspberry fragrance श्लाघित सजु सरीहनीय साधिवास साधुमत् सुक्रय सुखकृत् सुखगंध सुखजनक सुखद उ:   शिलांग का मौसम प्रायः सुखद एवं प्रदूषण मुक्त रहता है। सुखदाता सुखनीय सुखारीपु सुगंधमय सुगंधित उ:   तब सुगंधित मसाले का व्यापार भी फला-फूला। सुरभिगंध सुरभिमान् सुरीली सौँधी सौरभमय स्तुषेय्य स्तेएएट् स्नेहपात्र स्वादिष्ट उ:   अलग पिठा नाश्ते को अधिक स्वादिष्ट बनाती है। हृदयप्रिय
As adjective : मधुमान् Ex:  From sweet illusions मधुरस Ex:  From sweet tears मधुरिम Ex:  Have a sweet death मिट्ठा Ex:  It takes in particular, and absolutely, Way to act sweet and far from any kind of violence मिष्टत Ex:  Quality of what is sweet मीठा Ex:  sweet and harmonious language उ:   इसे भरवां मीठा परांठा कहा जा सकता है।
Other : कल Ex:  The sweet was kept in tureen. उ:   आज का युवा कल का भारत है। गुझिया Ex:  That garden is full of sweet pea. गुलगुला Ex:  I don't have any use for sweet potatoes . गुलौरा Ex:  That was a good sermon—short and sweet . चिनिया Ex:  ' He was very sweet about it चीनी का Ex:  It is filled with sweet ताजा Ex:  Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes once called Portuguese "the sweet language" उ:   ताजा मशरूम कें भार के आधार पर इसकी तत्व संरचना नीचे दर्शाइ गई है। नर्म Ex:  Production of sweet cream butter first became common in the 19th century प्रिय पात्र Ex:  Botanical plant that grows in water or salty or sweet मधुमय Ex:  From sweet illusions उ:   मधुमय संस्कृत मूल का शब्द है। मधुरता Ex:  From sweet talks उ:   फारसी भाषा और साहित्य अपनी मधुरता के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। मिष्ट Ex:  Nice, sweet reverie मीठी वस्तु Ex:  sweet horse, sweet horse, horse, horse who never tired rider मृदु Ex:  There is nothing so sweet as to live with his friends मृदुल Ex:  These jams are too sweet रुचिकर Ex:  vegetable plant of the Umbelliferae family, whose root, which bears the same name, is yellowish and a sweet white रुचिर Ex:  Who has a sour taste mixed with sweet and ललित Ex:  , It is bitter to the mouth is sweet to the heart, What displeases us most is often what is best for us, what we most beneficial उ:   ३. ललित ब्रज देस गिरिराज राजें। शरबत Ex:  Fruit of the orange, juicy, pip, round, golden yellow, sweet smelling शीरीं Ex:  It is said, by extension, the sweet liquid extracted from various plants and usually for the alcoholic fermentation श्रुति मधुर Ex:  Mener a sweet life easier सरस उ:   इसकी भाषा काव्यपूर्ण और सरस है। सुगन्ध सुन्दर उ:   यहाँ कई देशोंं के अनेक सुन्दर बौद्ध मन्दिर हैं। सुरस सुरीला सुस्वर
Sweet ki paribhasha : ek snkar rog ka naam jo gauri, maarava aur trivan ke milane se bana hai nahin ka soochak avyay jo praayaः vaakyon ke aarnbh athava madhy men rakha jaata hai phal aadi jo dal se tootakar turnt aaya ho sngit men svar ka ek bhed senkaa, bhoona ya pakaaya hua jo sunane men karkash ya apriy na ho ek prakaar ka kapad jo praayaः musalamaan log pahanate hain aur jise shirinbaaph bhi kahate hain praarthana ya aadesh ke uttar men prashn ke nahin svikratisoochak shabd sngit men ek prakaar ka taal 3918 bhaav
Usage of Sweet in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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