Swelling meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Swelling
As noun : अंड वृध्दि Ex:  an intermation of the vermiform appendix
Appendicitis is a painful swelling of the appendix.
कंठशुंडी Ex:  Endemic goiter is a disease characterized by a swelling of the thyroid gland प्रप्यायन Ex:  Chemistry single gas Corps, alleging a mineral used for swelling and balloons भरभराहट Ex:  Having the swelling on the face लिंगशोफ Ex:  His arm the swelling starts to श्वथ Ex:  It is, by extension, a substance capable of producing an internal fermentation in the body with which it was mixed and excite swelling श्वयथु Ex:  swelling bagpipes सूजन Ex:  swelling bagpipes उ:   घावों या सूजन से आने वाली दुर्गंध भी दूर होती है। स्फाति Ex:  swelling, swelling his nostrils
Other : उभार Ex:  In infants , swelling of the fontanelle may be present. गलका Ex:  The primary damage comes from swelling of the brain गिलटी Ex:  A general swelling गुमटा Ex:  Acute Medicine Affection inflammatory, characterized by well-circumscribed redness, as well as the hardness and swelling of the skin फुलाव Ex:  Disease Medicine which mainly by the deformation of the spinal column and most of the bones, with joint swelling फुलावट Ex:  Furunculosis causes swelling of the parts it affects वरम Ex:  It A little swelling in the arm शोथ Ex:  It is used in everyday language to designate a swelling उ:   कभी-कभी शोथ उग्र हो जाता है, फिर दब जाता है। सोथ Ex:  swelling of स्फीति Ex:  The swelling skin
Swelling ki paribhasha : chep ki gol chhoti gaaanth
Usage of Swelling in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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