Swivel meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Swivel
As noun : घुमाना
चूलछल्ला नषाना भौँराना मुरकाना संप्रवर्त्तन हँड़ाना हँढ़ावना
As verb : अर्वा Ex:  In terms of sculpture, it means a swivel shelf mounted on a tripod, on which the sculptor raises the figure to which he works उदभ्रमण Ex:  potagère family Umbelliferae plant whose root, swivel and fleshy, has the same name and is used as food घूमना उ:   नालन्‍दा-राजगीर आने पर इसे जरुर घूमना चाहिए। चंक्रमा भौँराना मुरकना विचरित विपरिवर्तन विवतन व्रज्य़ा सँचरना सैयाही हंडना हिंडना
Other : कडी Ex:  The swivel wing कुण्डा Ex:  Who is gay, bright, awake as a swivel उ:   गंगा के किनारे बसा कुण्डा एक उर्वर समतल मैदान है। कड़ी घूमने वाली लड़ी भौंरकली
Swivel ki paribhasha : ek hi dhuri par chaaron or bhraman karana
Usage of Swivel in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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