Table meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Table
As noun : अनेकचर Ex:  Reserve a table for two in the name of Hill.
अभ्यवहरण Ex:  The table was garnished with flowers. आंगार Ex:  uncouthly, he told stories that made everybody at the table wince आफर Ex:  The table is made of ebony. आशि Ex:  see table 1 एसेंब्ली Ex:  she searched the table for omissions कमलवन Ex:  We made a table with tripod. कवलना Ex:  The drunk man tottered over to our table कुफल Ex:  This table is made of wood.
She is making a beautiful dress.
She makes her own dresses.
Please make your beds before you go out.
He makes a lot of money by giving tutions.
खाधना Ex:  the table was bare, the candles unlighted खाना Ex:  Mary taught table manners to her child. उ:   इनका मुख्य खाना ही पत्तियाँ होती हैं। गंजो Ex:  The judge banged on the table with a gavel. गिरिप्रस्थ Ex:  The food was placed on the table and the children pitched in गिरिसानु Ex:  The legs of the table are not symmetrical. गुजरानना Ex:  She decorated the table with may flowers. चक्रबाल Ex:  Another patient boxed on the table . छोरंग Ex:  Every other table had an ashtray on it . जग्ध Ex:  That table is good enough for my office . जटि Ex:  I ordered the dog to keep under the table . जेँवना Ex:  Lay the plates down on the table gently . झोँट Ex:  You found it on the table . झौँर Ex:  Karen slammed down her fist onto the table . ठट्ट Ex:  The ants swarmed all over our picnic table . ढेरो Ex:  Please take your books off the table . ताक पर रखना Ex:  Liz tripped and tumbled into the table . तालिका Ex:  Jed was under the table by midnight . उ:   यह वियतनाम के प्रान्तों की तालिका है। तोत Ex:  Where is the book? Book is on the table . थट, थट्ट Ex:  A table of the major fields of physics थेड Ex:  Anthony Ireland were discovered sitting at a café table पठार Ex:  Harris then turned to the next table उ:   बोकारो छोटानागपुर पठार में स्थित है। परिस्कंध Ex:  Harris then turned and threw a CO2 bomb at the table where Hall पहाडा Ex:  The table gives an overview पाँति Ex:  The following table lists the classes in operation. पेश करना Ex:  This table is current through the Canara Bank Bangalore Open प्रतियोगिता में खिलाडियो का स्थान Ex:  The following table reports the datas for every Zona प्राणोपहार Ex:  The table to the right shows the 'Country of Birth' of London residents in 2001 प्राशु Ex:  Although precursors to this table exist प्सा Ex:  There are progressively longer periods further down the table प्सान Ex:  Modern tables have progressively longer periods further down the table बलदी Ex:  These are shown in the table below the normal form. बास्तिक Ex:  Storing this table in a centralized place makes it accessible to all clients. भँडारा Ex:  In some early table saws भछना Ex:  There are four general classes of table saws: benchtop table saws भुंचना Ex:  Contractor table saws are heavier भोजनवृत्ति Ex:  While wine was the most common table beverage in much of Europe मसकाना Ex:  The table below shows the historical population of Athens in recent times. मिस्कीट Ex:  Some of the most common biological polymers are listed in the table below. लघु गणक Ex:  Below is a table listing the modern Greek letters लतापाश Ex:  Further glass forming techniques are summarized in the table . लेँहड़ा Ex:  The following table lists some physical properties of common glasses. वल्मन Ex:  Further examples can be found in the table of Lie groups. वस्तुजात Ex:  See table of nuclides for a complete list of isotopes. विरझ Ex:  Refer to the periodic table for an overview. विष्वाण Ex:  On the periodic table विसर Ex:  This is a large version of the periodic table and contains the symbol वैतान Ex:  Although precursors to this table exist शरीरस्थिति Ex:  To see a 2004 per capita personal income comparison table on a state basis . संख्यात Ex:  The table at right summarizes the symptoms of ethanol consumption. संधक Ex:  Note: this table is merely a brief sample, not a complete listing. संभूयगमन Ex:  Below is a table of current active Supreme Court Justices संसत्, संसद् Ex:  Below is a table of current retired justices: During Court sessions संहीत Ex:  The population of each governorate is listed in the table below. सन्नय Ex:  The following table presents phytochemical groups and common sources सन्निवेश Ex:  Heating table beds is an old practice. समाम्नाय Ex:  McAfee and Sophos have come later to the table समाश Ex:  These volcanoes are also called table mountains, tuyas or mobergs. समुदाइ, समुदाई Ex:  This table is current through the end of 2007 WTA Tour. समुदायि Ex:  These are also referred to as Primary key of primary table . समूह Ex:  Sophie wriggled where she was sitting at the table . उ:   वह नीलो-साहरन भाषा समूह की मां भाषा बोलते हैं। साँमजि Ex:  � �He's going to buy a shop,� Sophie said from the table . सामने रखना Ex:  A framed table सारिणी Ex:  A pricing table उ:   नीचे की सारिणी में नस्त'अलिक लिपि और उसका उच्चारण दिया गया है। सुरगण Ex:  A rock table सूचनी Ex:  A table olive सूची Ex:  A table that dislocates उ:   यह सूची रूस के नगरों की है। स्तबक Ex:  A well-stocked table स्थगित करना Ex:  About host table हलिनी Ex:  Admitting someone in a company, in a company, at his table
As verb : प्रस्तावित करना Ex:  Unlike other contributors to the table
Other : चित्र Ex:  The table buckled under . उ:   इथिलीन का संरचना सूत्र चित्र में दिखाया गया है। जोड़ मिलाना Ex:  Lifting the antique table must be done carefully . टेबल Ex:  The mayor struck the table with his fist . उ:   यह रोपवे टेबल माउंटेन पर जाने के लिए बनाया गया है। नक्षा Ex:  Kaplan also reports that the huge kitchen table at St. उ:   इनमें एक भूमिगत नक्षा भी होता है। पटल Ex:  More Mongolian table tennis players are competing internationally. उ:   ऐसा करने पर पात्र पर आक्साइड का एक सूक्ष्म पटल जम जाता है। पटिया Ex:  Klebold turned away from the windows and fired his shotgun at a nearby table फेहरिस्त Ex:  The Japanese table rice is a sticky, short-grain rice. भोजन देना Ex:  A table comparing the different writing systems used for the Tajik alphabet. मंच Ex:  There it was erected onto the launch table उ:   हिन्दू जागरण मंच एक हिन्दू संगठन हैं। मेज पर उपस्थित मंडली Ex:  The table of permselectivity for different substances contains examples. मेज Ex:  It is assumed that the table was written by William Oughtred. उ:   यह किसी मेज पोश की पुरानी किनारी जैसा होता है। मेज़ Ex:  Although the table below shows common differences between males and females उ:   मेज़ आयताकार होती है। सारणी Ex:  A long table उ:   इस गाड़ी की समय सारणी देखने हेतु पर जाएं। सूचीपत्र या फेहरिस्त बनाना Ex:  A table which shows devils and imps सूचीपत्र Ex:  A twenty-four table covered उ:   उस समय के उसके सूचीपत्र में उसके मूल के बारे में नहीं बताया गया था।
Table ki paribhasha : ek gahana jo pagadi men lagaaya jaata hai khaat ki tarah buni hui bnthane ki chhoti pidha chipate tale ki badi aur oopar se pati hui naav jo bndaragaahon men jahaaj se bojh utaarane aur chadhaane ke kaam men aati hai lash ek ho tarah ki bahut si chojon ka dher gupt baata, rahasy ya bhed bataanevaala aalamaari, mej ya sndook aadi men chijen rakhane ke liye patariyon ya takhton ke dvaara kiya hua vibhaag vah taalika ya grnth jisase grahon aadi ki gati ka kramabaddh gyaan praapt hota ho natthi ya taaga jisase bhinn bhinn vishayon ke taalapatr ya kaagaj alag alag bandhe hon ooancha aur lnba chaud maidaan jisake niche ka bhaag dhaalavaaan hota hai lnbi chaudi aur ooanchi chauki jo baithe hueः aadami ke saamane usapar rakhakar khaana khaane, ya likhane padhane aur koi kaam karane ke liye rakhi jaati hai
Usage of Table in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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