Tableware meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tableware
As noun : भोजन पात्र Ex:  Put the mark on tableware
Other :
खाने के बर्तन Ex:  One hundred marks of silver tableware भोज Ex:  One hundred marks of silver tableware उ:   आगे चलकर राजा भोज ने इस मंदिर का विस्तार कराया। मेज़ पर खाने के बर्तन इत्यादि Ex:  Sort of mud fort open, which has a handle and a spout, and in which one puts water for ordinary tableware and for other uses
Tableware ki paribhasha : puraananusaar shaanti devi ke garbh se utpann vasudev ke ek putr ka naam
Usage of Tableware in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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