Tabloid meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tabloid
As noun : पत्तिय Ex:  Rowling has said she particularly dislikes the British tabloid The Daily Mail
पत्रिका Ex:  , a firecracker, a new tabloid launched purpose of making scandal उ:   इस पत्रिका में बाल ठाकरे उनके साथी काटूनकार थे। सनसनीखेज़ पत्रकारिता समाचारपत्रिका
Other : छोटा पत्र Ex:  Also published is one Sunday tabloid newspaper छोटे आकार का समाचारपत्र Ex:  Both papers have tabloid counterparts published on Sunday टेबलायड Ex:  Israel's second most popular tabloid लघु पत्र
Tabloid ki paribhasha : likhane ke liye kaagaj ka panna
Usage of Tabloid in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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