Tactic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tactic
As noun : कटखना Ex:  This was not generally a successful tactic
जुग्त Ex:  This tactic was not successful. जुबति Ex:  A different tactic is taken by the Norwegian artist Odd Nerdrum टरी Ex:  Chuikov called this tactic "hugging" the Germans. डँब Ex:  During this time ambushes became a favored tactic डौलडाल Ex:  This is the tactic Ordinary ambitious, intriguing तरीक तर्कणा तिकड़म पर्युदंचन युक्ति उ:   इस नाटक की सबसे बड़ी युक्ति भी यही है। रणनीति उ:   परन्तु यह रणनीति उल्टे अपदापूर्ण बन गई।
Other : कौशल Ex:  Although this tactic often results in a quick victory उ:   बहुत प्राचीन काल में बस्ती के आसपास का जगह कौशल देश का हिस्सा था। बलविन्यास युद्धविद्या व्यूहरचना
Tactic ki paribhasha : sainikon ko yojanaanusaar upayukt sthaan par khad karana morachebndi ek alnkaar ka naam jisamen apane marm ko chhipaane ke liye doosare ko kisi kriya ya yukti dvaara vachit karane ka varn na hota hai
Usage of Tactic in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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