Take meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Take
As noun : अँगिरना Ex:  The germination of seeds will take a week.
अएरना Ex:  Students were randomly chosen to take part in a drama. अकारना Ex:  It shouldnt take long for you to solve the problem. अतिसर्ग Ex:  You take me whither said the princess to the man. अपनाना Ex:  during the construction we had to take a detour उ:   सही लक्ष्यों के साथ यही सार्वजनिक नीतियों को अपनाना होगा। अभ्यवहरण Ex:  It will take time to convince him since he is a sceptic. आकाशमूली Ex:  Please take your seat. आज्ञादान Ex:  Many labourers take liquor. It is their weakness. आमदनी Ex:  She swore to take her revenge against her in-laws. उ:   पाउलिङ अपनी परिवार की आमदनी के लिये कयी काम किये। आय Ex:  Some people take medicine without a physicians advice. उ:   सीधी में आय का प्रमुुुुख स्‍त्रोत कृष‍ि है। आरक्षित करना Ex:  the local seemed to take forever to get to New York आलमन Ex:  We never take pants while running. आशि Ex:  It will take her ages to get over the tragedy. आसादन Ex:  Let everyone take a loaf. इनकम Ex:  I stepped on to the stool to take the book from the shelf. उँचाना Ex:  I cant afford to take you on a date. उच्छटना Ex:  If you take 5 from 9,4 remains. उठा लेना Ex:  She has to take two capsules everyday. उठाना Ex:  do you take plastic? उठावना Ex:  Prostitutes take money for sex उदसन Ex:  yesterday i was take a event उद्धूनन Ex:  they didnt take his hairsplitting seriously उल्लुंठन Ex:  Those, who take bribe, should be precluded from their jobs. एनडोर्स Ex:  to take medicinai herb for ill. करना Ex:  You can take the book which is on the table. उ:   अतः उनका विश्लेषण करना सरल है। कवलना Ex:  Dont take any risk of her life,consult some good doctors. किबो Ex:  Let me take it to the mender. कोँपना Ex:  Please dont take his remarks seriously as they were said in a jocular mood. खा लेना Ex:  I dont take orders from you! खाधना Ex:  We must take nourishing food. खाना Ex:  Growing children should take restorative diet. उ:   और खाना का लंच तयार नही था। ग्रहण करना Ex:  Suman and Ravi werre advised to take marriage guidence. घलाहल Ex:  he tried to take Britain into the Europen Union चिट्र लेना Ex:  You shall take a master-degree in English. चित्या Ex:  He should come"himself"to take his share. छिबना Ex:  I take things as I find them without being very choosey. जग्ध Ex:  Airsick people are advised to take precautions before boarding a plane. जान लेना Ex:  Remember to take an apple in your lunch today . जिहान Ex:  Clear the decks and take your seats . जेँवना Ex:  Can I take your order? Mary: Yes, we're ready . झोखना Ex:  If you're hungry, take one of my doughnuts . डड़ियाना Ex:  I can't take time for your problem . डालना Ex:  It'll take some doing, but it'll get done . डेना Ex:  I heard that the mayor is on the take . तसीलना Ex:  You must take what you are given . तोकना Ex:  I'll take four thousand for that car there . दीधना Ex:  The soldiers' orders were to take no prisoners . देखभाल करना Ex:  I've got to take off—I'm late . देना Ex:  Ken couldn't take his eyes off Judy . उ:   इस भाषा में १९७४ से पुरस्कार देना शुरु हुआ। धरण करना Ex:  Let me take the sandwiches down . धरपना Ex:  When you go, take Liz with you . नंषना Ex:  Please take your dog with you . निपाना Ex:  I am going to take this food with me . पकड़ना Ex:  The Lords take their seats in the House of Lords Chamber उ:   मछली पकड़ना और मछली प्रक्रमण अंगून की अर्थव्यवस्था के प्रमुख अंग हैं। पड़ना Ex:  Most antipsychotics take around 7–14 days to have their main effect. उ:   इतालवी भाषा पर फ्रेंच का अत्यधिक प्रभाव पड़ना शुरू हुआ। परिगम Ex:  Conrad was persuaded to take part in this expedition. परिग्रहण करना Ex:  The journey would take the boy-robot thousands of years. परिनिर्वपण Ex:  Fulvia decided to take action. पाना Ex:  Parliament responded by voting to take control of the parliamentary army. उ:   सहकारी क्षेत्र उसके योगदान को भुला पाना संभव नहीं है। पापनाशन Ex:  Then, in 1172, Stephen died childless, and Béla went home to take his throne. पैझना Ex:  Cornell Sport Taekwondo defeated MIT Sport Taekwondo to take the INCTL Cup. पैदा ‡ Ex:  Bachelor's Degrees normally take four years. प्राणोपहार Ex:  "Bim" can also take a more deific tone, referring to the "goddess" Barbados. प्राप्त करना Ex:  By October, they will take longer and longer pauses during the day. प्राशु Ex:  By the 1960s pollution had once again begun to take its toll. प्सा Ex:  Napoleon III refused to take the country. प्सान Ex:  "Rolling Stone had asked me to take photographs for them बखसीसना ‡ Ex:  The British twice tried to take the Martín Peña Bridge बनवना ‡पु Ex:  By that time, Philip II had decided to take the war to England. बनाना Ex:  To take any part in public life, one had to be enrolled in one of “the arts”. उ:   वह सितार बजाती थी और फूलों के चित्र बनाना उनका शौक था। बनावना Ex:  Albatross chicks take a long time to fledge. बरतना Ex:  Army Group South was to take control of Ukraine बिंटना Ex:  Adeimantus and Glaucon take prominent parts in the Republic. बेवहरनापु Ex:  By forcing Gawain to take her girdle, i. भछना Ex:  Even with this setback, the team managed to take second and third places. भुंचना Ex:  "I thought it would take another war," he said. भोजनवृत्ति Ex:  Minibuses take fewer passengers मंनना ‡ Ex:  He didn’t have very many books, and he didn’t take notes. मसकाना Ex:  From São Paulo: take the BR 116 or the BR-101 . महांसिल Ex:  In Merriman's hands, the convention is made to take an unusual twist. मानना Ex:  Some proposed that he take the title Emperor of the East but he refused. उ:   पिंगल जैसी परिनिष्ठित शैलियों के साथ इसका सहअस्तित्व मानना चाहिए। मिस्कीट Ex:  Otherwise, he would take military action. मुहासिल Ex:  Within hours they managed to take control of many parts of Vienna मूर्च्छन Ex:  Germany, where he planned to take a summer program in philosophy. मेलना Ex:  Finally she decided to take matters into her own hands. मेल्हना Ex:  Italy, and England would take quite different paths during that time. रालना Ex:  McDaniel was eventually allowed to take the stage, and became a regular. रुपायन Ex:  - Oscar could not take the Eucharist". रुरना Ex:  Yeats can still take his poems very seriously". लगना Ex:  The modern form of the dikes began to take form in the 17th and 18th centuries उ:   नील का कारण किसी भी बिना धर वाली चीज़ से चोट लगना है। लाति Ex:  Hilbert realized that it was necessary to take a completely different path. लाधनापु Ex:  If we take Liège as the centre ले जाना Ex:  By the time Eisenhower asked him how long it would take वल्मन Ex:  Splitters can take many forms विष्टब्धि Ex:  While Swiss mercenaries would continue to take part in the Italian Wars विष्वाण Ex:  The slowest six cars can take no further part in qualifying वौकाना Ex:  TV stations all take what is known as the 'World Feed' शरीरस्थिति Ex:  Parcells's successor, would also take the team to the playoffs twice. शादी करना Ex:  The journey take us over the buildings and highways of Caracas संप्रतिपादन Ex:  Many people take photographs for self-fulfillment or for commercial purposes. संभरना Ex:  The Boy Scouts of America take a strong position, excluding atheists. संवाह Ex:  The filters, made of cellulose acetate, take many years to decompose. समालंभ Ex:  Sportin' Life forces Bess to take cocaine समाश Ex:  Jefferson did not take office until March 4 समासादन Ex:  In the 12th grade, students take the Government Tests or school-leaving exams. समुत्सर्ग Ex:  In fact, the journey would take two years. समुद् गार Ex:  Pilgrimages were open to all those who wished to take part समुद् गिरण Ex:  Leningrad never fell despite an entire Panzer Group being assigned to take it समुन्नति Ex:  The Catlins take their name from the Catlins River समुन्नमन Ex:  When those deposits take the form of columns of tipped sides or mounds समुपचार Ex:  He vowed not to take any money from it सरजाना Ex:  Forces were mustered to take part in the coming battle for Warsaw. सरभ Ex:  Damon was sentenced to death and his friend Pythias offered to take his place. साँपधरन Ex:  George did not take any active interest in politics or war. साति Ex:  Patients who take part may be helped personally by the treatment they receive. स्वीआर करना Ex:  Support can take the form of support groups स्वीकार करना Ex:  Beginning amateur musicians take lessons with professional musicians. हुसूल Ex:  We don't take part in Christian wars or wars of any unbelievers". हेराफेरी Ex:  Both Attlee and Sinclair said they would not take office if invited to do so.
As verb : अख्ज Ex:  worms take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers गिरफ्तार करना Ex:  Cant you take a joke? लाति Ex:  Hilbert realized that it was necessary to take a completely different path. लीजिये Ex:  Before they could take Troy उ:   लीजिये छैना के रसगुल्ले तैयार हैं। लेना Ex:  Bud Collyer, to take some time off. उ:   बैंको से ऋण लेना काफी मुश्किल होता था। श्रयना Ex:  He went on to take his first victory at the 1992 Belgian Grand Prix समाहित करना Ex:  Stephen of Blois wrote home, stating he believed it would take five weeks. स्वीकार कर लेना Ex:  This is why it can take 3–6 months to seroconvert and test positive. हरामखोरी Ex:  Some students also take private music lessons with a teacher.
Other : अभियोग चलाना Ex:  You should take all my orders peremptorily. आदान Ex:  Tinku gave advise to Ashu to take some energetic exercise. उ:   पौधों तथा भूमि के बीच आयनों के आदान प्रदान में वृद्धि होती हैं। कार्यवाही करना Ex:  You take the transparencies for the conference. खंडिका Ex:  The battalion retired to take positions. थामना Ex:  Come on, don't take it to the street . निगलना Ex:  Please don't take my money from me . पकडना Ex:  The Nahuas would take the legends of Quetzalcoatl and mix them with their own. मांगना Ex:  Sweden has pointedly failed to take necessary economic steps. मोहना Ex:  I didn't take myself or anything as seriously as he did". लेजाना Ex:  Users can take a bicycle at a parking station वकील होना Ex:  Parodies of Superman did not take long to appear समझना करना Ex:  Although modern consumers take clothing for granted
Take ki paribhasha : jise paane ka hak ho .... vyaapaar ki vastu jo aur deshon se apane desh men aave nichi sthiti se ooanchi sthiti men karana pakadne ka kaam karaana ek sthaan se girakara, uchhalakar athava aur kisi prakaar doosare sthaan par pahuanchana ya sthit hona kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana kisi ke saath kisi prakaar ka vyavahaar karana do padaarthon ka tal aapas men milana aalamaari, mej ya sndook aadi men chijen rakhane ke liye patariyon ya takhton ke dvaara kiya hua vibhaag doosare ke haath se apane haath men karana
Usage of Take in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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