Tax meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tax
As noun : अधिक जोर डलना Ex:  In our country every tax has a surcharge.
उच्छुष्क Ex:  The Excise tax has been abolished. उवारी Ex:  itemize ones tax deductions कर Ex:  The government offers various tax incentives. उ:   उसने हिन्दुओं पर से जज़िया कर हटा लिया। कस्टम ड्यूटी Ex:  I'm going to try to get this tax bill lowered . क्रन Ex:  The tax people finally caught up with Henry . टिकस Ex:  Utah collects personal income tax within 6 income brackets. टिक्कस Ex:  Richelieu bypassed local tax officials टैक्स Ex:  There is no annual registration fee or road tax उ:   यहां अन्य कोई इंडिविजुअल टैक्स नहीं है। दबाव डलना Ex:  Indirect taxes included a 4% tax on the price of slaves दाम Ex:  Louisiana has three personal income tax brackets, ranging from 2% to 6%. उ:   इस काल में १ मन ४३ या ४४ दाम अथवा "आलमगीरी' का होता था। मूल्य Ex:  Capital gains are subject to a five percent tax उ:   इसके एक पैकेट का मूल्य लगभग २००० रुपए है। मोल Ex:  And a 3% tax is due on beer sold for off-premises consumption. उ:   आपने यह पद और ये विलास की सामग्रियाँ बड़े महँगे दामों मोल ली हैं। लगानअ Ex:  The state's consumer sales tax is levied at 6%. वक्रय Ex:  It received back only 1/67th of the tax money शुल्क लगाना Ex:  Finance Minister Rama Sithanen reduced the corporate tax to 15%. शुल्क Ex:  Georgia's personal income tax ranges from 1% to 6% within six tax brackets. उ:   यहां आने के लिए प्रवेश शुल्क देना पड़ता है। हैंड Ex:  The tax is also applied to the Federal Goods and Services Tax.
As verb : कर लगाना Ex:  He paid the tax to the taxman.
Other : करग्रहण Ex:  You should claim a tax refund. कलंक लगाना Ex:  The public reaction to the new tax was generally favourable. झिडकी देना Ex:  I'm stuck on this question about the tax rates . झिड़की देना Ex:  Previously the Anglican Church had tax support. महसूल लगाना Ex:  There is an additional 1% local tax महसूल Ex:  There were tax exemptions for religious figures and राजकर Ex:  Due to increasing growth rates and tax revenues राजस्व Ex:  Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax and Use tax rates generally are 6.3%. उ:   उत्तर प्रदेश भूमि राजस्व कानून १९०१ में बना था।
Tax ki paribhasha : vah kar jo praja se raaja leta hai bhoomi aadi ka vah kar jo raaja ko diya jaay vah dhan jo raaja ya koi adhikaari kisi vishisht kaary ke liye le paise ka chaubisavaaan ya pachisavaaan bhaag kar ya mahasool jo raajy athava nagarapaalika athava jila parishad ya pnchaayat ki or se kisi vastu par lagaaya jaay vah mahasool jo ghaaton aur raaston aadi par raajy ki or se vasool kiya jaata hai
Usage of Tax in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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