Teach meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Teach
As noun : पढ्ना Ex:  The dialogues have since Plato's time been used to teach a range of subjects
शिक्षा प्रदान करना Ex:  Fascinated by the new sport and the values it could teach शिक्षित करना Ex:  Singapore polytechnics do not teach to degree level.
As verb : प्रबोधना Ex:  In 1879 Wilde started to teach Aesthetic values in London. विद्यादान Ex:  But we'll teach him fear! शिक्षा देना Ex:  She enjoyed having her own students to teach सिखवना Ex:  After the war, Wittgenstein returned to teach at Cambridge सिखाना Ex:  Private schools have also started to teach French alongside Arabic and English. उ:   नवजात शिशु को परिवार के सदस्य सिखाना प्रारम्भ कर देते हैं।
Other : अध्यापन Ex:  notably in the social sciences, the professors teach too much उ:   जालंधर के कई स्कूलों में अध्यापन का काम किया। पढ़ाना Ex:  He can't teach well anymore . उ:   जो लोग दोनों स्तरों पर कक्षाओं में पढ़ाना चाहते हैं। पढाना Ex:  Cornell was the first university to teach modern Far Eastern languages. पढा़ना Ex:  Most Lithuanian schools teach English as a first foreign language बताना Ex:  He later left his studies and chose to teach at Dục Thanh school in Phan Thiết. सिखलाना Ex:  This type of therapy attempts to teach people to learn healthier behaviors.
Teach ki paribhasha : phati puraani bagadi jo niche rahati hai aur jisake oopar achchhi pagadi baaandhi jaati hai
Usage of Teach in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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