Teacher meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Teacher
As noun : अतालिक Ex:  The new teacher lecturing incomprehensibly.
अतालिक Ex:  The new teacher lecturing incomprehensibly. अतालिक Ex:  The new teacher lecturing incomprehensibly. अध्यापक Ex:  The teacher completed the portions in the first term. उ:   सभी अध्यापक हर्माइनी को पसंद करते है। अध्यापयिता Ex:  The teacher should not deprecate his students efforts अध्यापयिता Ex:  The teacher should not deprecate his students efforts अववोधक Ex:  The teacher slapped him and that made his cheek tingle. गरेवा Ex:  The teacher is a multiplier of human values. गुरु Ex:  The teacher caned the students for disobedience. उ:   दानवों के गुरु शुक्राचार्य माने जाते हैं। ज्ञानदाता Ex:  MY teacher aplouded for me पाँडे़ Ex:  The teacher submitted her resignation. पाँडे़ Ex:  The teacher submitted her resignation. प्रख्य Ex:  The teacher sermonizes the students. बोधकर Ex:  My teacher behaves peculiarly. बोधयिता Ex:  Our teacher makes the lessons interesting by giving illustrations. बोधयिता Ex:  Our teacher makes the lessons interesting by giving illustrations. मुदर्रिस Ex:  In early 1914, a teacher at St. मुरशिद Ex:  He was the only teacher killed in the ordeal. विद्यागुरु Ex:  He was also an experienced teacher विधानग Ex:  He was Wolfgang's only teacher in his earliest years. विधानज्ञ Ex:  18,000 teacher training, and 89,000 in university. विधिदेशक Ex:  Michael Lesch and his teacher Dr. विनेता Ex:  He also studied piano in the 1960s with the same teacher as Paul Wickens विनेता Ex:  He also studied piano in the 1960s with the same teacher as Paul Wickens विनेता Ex:  He also studied piano in the 1960s with the same teacher as Paul Wickens शासिता Ex:  She is also his swimming lessons teacher in the early days of the strip. शिक्षक Ex:  Higher education includes teacher training उ:   वो एक लम्बे समय के लिए विद्यालय शिक्षक थे। शिक्षाकर Ex:  Madadayo, is about a retired teacher and his former students. शिक्षाकर Ex:  Madadayo, is about a retired teacher and his former students. शिक्षिताक्षर Ex:  John Burnet argued that his principal teacher was the Anaxagorean Archelaus स्कूलटीचर, स्कूलमास्टर Ex:  Sweden, where he had been invited as a teacher for Queen Christina of Sweden. स्मर्त्ता Ex:  The teacher most important to him was Ernst Abbe .
Other : आचार्य Ex:  The teacher charged the children to memorize the poem. उ:   वे उस समय के सबसे बड़े आचार्य थे। उद्बोधक Ex:  The teacher grouped the students. उपाध्याय Ex:  The discussions with my teacher reverberated throughout my adult life उ:   रामचरित उपाध्याय हिन्दी कवि एवं साहित्यकार थे। उपाध्यायानी Ex:  The teacher often flogged the students उस्ताद Ex:  The students straightened when the teacher entered गुरु अध्यापक शिक्षक Ex:  The teacher glared at the students. गुरू Ex:  The teacher whipped the boy. उ:   गुरू साहिब यहां सासाराम ओर गया होते हुए आए। मास्टर Ex:  The teacher explained the theory to the students. उ:   मास्टर जी संत जी से पराजित हुए। मुअल्लिम Ex:  The teacher really reamed him out . शिक्षिका Ex:  Between visits Haydn was for a time the teacher of Ludwig van Beethoven. उ:   प्रकृतिवादी विचारक प्रकृति को ही वास्तविक शिक्षिका मानते हैं।
Teacher ki paribhasha : brahaspati naamak grah
Usage of Teacher in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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