Teaching meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Teaching
As noun : अध्यापन Ex:  I have adopted teaching as my profession. उ:   उन्होंने वहाँ चालीस वर्ष अध्यापन किया।
अनुयोयी Ex:  Our school uses language laboratories for teaching foreign languages. एजुकेशन Ex:  The teacher is teaching trapezoid in Geometry. उ:   वोकेशनल एजुकेशन में एडमिशन की प्रक्रिया पूरे वर्ष चालू रहती है। क्रियासंक्रांति Ex:  A teacher uses teaching aids to teach the children. डिसीप्लिन Ex:  visual aids in teaching प्रबोधना Ex:  All teaching is done in English, Ghana's official language. प्रशिष्टि Ex:  In numerous speeches Catholic teaching is related to various aspects of life फहमाइस Ex:  Catholic social teaching मुदर्रिसी Ex:  The bishops are responsible for teaching मौलवीगिरी Ex:  John Calvin, and others further criticised Catholic teaching and worship. वर्द्धन, वर्धन Ex:  Kilmer sought teaching positions. विनयन Ex:  There are also four schools teaching Latin and Classical Greek विनयप्रमाथी Ex:  Augustine's teaching was confirmed by many councils व्युल्पादन Ex:  Sarvāstivāda teaching शब्दी Ex:  One of Jesus' famous teaching episodes शिक्षण Ex:  Hobsbaum spent some time teaching in Belfast उ:   सूरीनाम में हिन्दी शिक्षण की व्यवस्था की जाए। शिक्षा Ex:  Both public hospitals are also teaching hospitals. उ:   १९७९ में वे शिक्षा और संस्कृति मंत्री बने। सिखवना Ex:  Weber resumed teaching during this time सिखाना Ex:  His family was associated with the teaching of elocution: his grandfather उ:   उन्होंने इसे सीखा और दूसरों को सिखाना शुरू किया। सिखापन Ex:  Private teaching is also quite frequent in Italy. सिच्छन Ex:  The CDF is best known for its authority over the teaching of Church doctrine सीक्रेट Ex:  Serbia suspended the teaching of evolution for one week in 2004 सीछन Ex:  After teaching for eight years
Other : अध्यापन करना Ex:  She has 1.years of teaching experience. उपदेश Ex:  We had to take a cloze test before joining the English teaching course. उ:   यहाँ पर भगवान बुद्ध ने उपदेश दिए थे। नसीहत Ex:  There are various methods for teaching phonics. पाठन Ex:  Borlaug has continued to participate actively in teaching उ:   इन्ही आवश्यक अंतरों पर पाठन जैसे कृत्रिम कार्य का बोझ होता है। सीख Ex:  After his ennoblement, he continued teaching and writing. उ:   इसके चलते वे हिन्दी के अनेक शब्द सीख लेते हैं।
Teaching ki paribhasha : kisi vidya ki sikhane ya sikhaane ka kriya shiksha praapt karana sikhane ka kaam
Usage of Teaching in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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