Tedious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tedious
As noun : शब्दाडंबरपूर्ण Ex:  In so tedious
As adjective :
उबाऊ Ex:  British documentarian Paul Rotha called it tedious थकाऊ Ex:  A tedious उ:   महाक्षय ने अच्छा अभिनय किया है लकिन ये फ़िल्म कुछ ज़्यादा ही थकाऊ है।
Other : उकता देनेवाला Ex:  I like to munch on a choclate after compleating tedious job. उकतानेवाला Ex:  Mountaineering is a tedious activity and needs months of training and practice. उबाउ Ex:  This is tedious but necessary for games that are played seriously. क्लान्तिकर Ex:  It s tedious and there s not much feedback, Ebright said . थकाने वाला Ex:  A tedious book धीमा Ex:  Heat tedious
Tedious ki paribhasha : jo adhik prachnd, tivr ya ugr na ho jo kasa ya tana hua na ho
Usage of Tedious in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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