Temper meaning in hindi
As noun : अताब Ex:  whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time
अपग्रह Ex:  his temper sparked like damp firewood अभ्यसुया Ex:  He lost his temper when the dual started. आत्मता Ex:  infrequent outbursts of temper इताब Ex:  One should keep ones temper in check. उद्धम Ex:  Her display of temper finally blew over . कचभार Ex:  I'm sorry that I lost my temper . खष्य Ex:  Your comments triggered off Bob's temper . खु Ex:  Matrimony had no softening effect on his temper गुस्सा Ex:  Beckham helped to keep Wayne Rooney's temper in check on several occasions. उ: इस बात से गुस्सा हो कर रा.वन अपने दस हमशक्ल बना लेता है। गोस्सा Ex:  Bollettieri eventually lost his temper and told Agassi to leave. छो Ex:  Let's change the subject in case I lose my temper . झनकाना Ex:  A violent temper झोँकी Ex:  An even temper झोँझल Ex:  In terms of Pharmacy, he said Operation where one uses a Patch to temper the strength of certain substances तत्वभाव Ex:  Meat that temper too long loses its juice तबा Ex:  Soften an expression, the correct temper by another तावताँम Ex:  The temper of his soul तैयार करना Ex:  This action Announces temper नाखुशी परकिति ‡ पानी चढाना प्रकृति उ: लोकगीत तो प्रकृति के उद्गार हैं। प्रक्रत्ती फलभर बजाना बोझ उ: राज्य ऋण के बोझ तले दबता गया। मनोदशा उ: इस मनोदशा में मनुष्य को अपने व्यक्तित्व का कुछ ज्ञान ही नहीं रह जाता। मनोवृति मूलप्रकृति रिसानि, रिसानी रिस्क रुनकाना रुष लचकीला बनाना विवध वृत्तचेष्टा व्यारोष सकलजननी सजीया सद साभाव्य साम्यावस्थान स्वाकार हिद्दत
As verb : कम करना Ex:  John's bad temper rules him out for the job . धातु को बार बार गरम और ठंडा करके कडा लचीला बनाना Ex:  Who is moderately cold, colder than hot, and clean to temper excessive Heat
Other : आदतों की मिलावट Ex:  He should desist from loosing his temper so quickly. उद्वेग Ex:  Lisa lost her temper and began shouting at Bob . कड़ा Ex:  I finally ran out of patience and lost my temper . उ: यह शुद्ध लोहे से ज्यादा कड़ा होता है। कोमल करना Ex:  John has such a terrible temper . टेम्पर Ex:  It means Cushion by extension, temper तबीअत Ex:  The impetuosity of his temper धातु को बा Ex:  This has the virtue of correct temper नर्म करना Ex:  , The darkening of his temper पानी चढ़ाना बान मिज़ाज मिजाज रोष स्वभाव उ: मनुष्य का एक स्वभाव होता है।
Temper ki paribhasha : ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana sada bana rahanevaala mool ya pradhaan gun kisi padaarth ka vah mool gun jo sada bana rahe mal jo atma ki drak aur drakashakti ko aachchhaadit karata hai ek prakaar ki aatashabaaji jo tir ke aakaar ki hoti hai jisaki satah dabaane se na deb ya mushkil se deb mool ya pradhaan gun jo sada bana rahe aisa pind jise gurutv ke kaaran uthaane men kathinata ho kisi baaje aadi par aaghaat pahuanchaakar athava hava ka jor pahuanchaakar usase shabd utpann karana
ExamplesUsage of Temper in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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