Tempt meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tempt
As verb :
आकर्षित करना Ex:  How so beautiful fruits do not they try? That does he not try to walk you through this beautiful weather? Let tempt you लुभाना संवर्गण
Other : परखना Ex:  Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God प्रयत्न करना Ex:  , Risking the package, Running lucky, tempt fortune प्रलोभन देना प्रलोभित करना मुग्ध करना लुब्ध करना
Tempt ki paribhasha : gunadish sthir karane ke liye achchhi tarah dekhana bhaalana bachchon ki shaant rakhane ke liye kisi prakaar unaka tan man ki sudh jhoolana kisi ke man men laalach utpann karana
Usage of Tempt in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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