Tendency meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tendency
As noun : अपग्रह Ex:  She has a tendency to skip the breakfast.
आत्मता Ex:  This tendency is measured by finding how often two alleles occur together आदत Ex:  Maradona has always had a tendency to put on weight उ:   इस आदत के कारण लोग व्यंग से इनको भगतजी कहते थे। खु Ex:  The Buddhist texts reflect this tendency जुकाव Ex:  This means the molecule has a greater tendency to donate electrons झुकाव Ex:  Despite this tendency उ:   विद्यार्थीजीवन में ही समाजसेवा की ओर झुकाव हो गया था। झौँक Ex:  This tendency towards philopatry is stronger in some species than others तत्वभाव Ex:  King Charles II continued the Stuart tendency of profusely creating peerages तबा Ex:  The current tendency appears to be to lionize him ध्राजि Ex:  The human body has a natural tendency to maintain homeostasis परकिति ‡ Ex:  There was also a tendency of self-censorship regarding Finno-Soviet relations. परनि Ex:  The 'reformist' tendency पहपटबाजी Ex:  Mystical philosophies thus can exhibit a strong tendency towards syncretism. प्रकृति Ex:  In terms of chemistry, it means the tendency of a different nature substances to unite all उ:   भौतिकी, प्रकृति विज्ञान की एक विशाल शाखा है। प्रक्रत्ती Ex:  It also means, in a bad sense, the tendency to put the largest number of organisms in the hands of the state officials प्रवृति Ex:  mindset, tendency of those with moderate opinion and who oppose the extreme parties उ:   यहीं से उनकी प्रवृति पत्रकारिता की ओर गयी। मुहावरा Ex:  pathological tendency to lying मूलप्रकृति Ex:  The man has a natural tendency to selfishness रूझान Ex:  The tendency of the body to the center of the earth उ:   इसके कारण उनका रूझान इस पद्धति की ओर हुआ। विसन्न Ex:  The tendency of the body to the center of the earth वृत्तचेष्टा Ex:  He also said the relationship of things to an end, their tendency towards a goal सकलजननी Ex:  Pente, natural tendency of a body to another body, to a point सजीया Ex:  The alkaline have the greatest tendency to unite with acids सद साभाव्य साम्यावस्थान स्वाकार
Other : अभिप्राय Ex:  He lost his opportunity due to his tendency to procrastinate. उ:   इस प्रकार का जहाँ अभिप्राय होता है वहाँ यह न्याय कहा जाता है। आविर्भाव Ex:  Koufax worked with coaches to eliminate his tendency to "tip" pitches . उ:   यहीं से नैपोलियन के विशाल व्यक्तित्व का आविर्भाव होता है। उद्देश्य Ex:  45 ACP bullets produces a decreased tendency to overpenetrate उ:   यह उद्देश्य सरल एवं स्पष्ट होने चाहिएँ। ढलाव Ex:  Because of this tendency either laissez-faire तात्पर्य Ex:  Sodium sulfate displays a moderate tendency to form double salts. उ:   अर्थ से तात्पर्य है किसी अच्छे कलात्मक कार्य द्वारा धनार्जन करना। रुझान Ex:  The man: has a natural tendency to selfishness उ:   खेलों के प्रति मीडिया का यह रुझान ’डिमांड' और ’सप्लाई' पर आधारित है।
Tendency ki paribhasha : vah bhaav jo kisi vaaky ko kahakar kahanevaala prakat karana chaahata ho jisaka lakshan ya paribhaash ki jaay nyaay men ek yatn vishesh vishnu ka ek naam kisi or latakane, pravratt hone ya jhukane ki kriya mool ya pradhaan gun jo sada bana rahe mal jo atma ki drak aur drakashakti ko aachchhaadit karata hai
Usage of Tendency in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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