Tension meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tension
As noun : अंदेश Ex:  The collapse of negotiations between the two nations has further aggravated tension in the border.
अवतान Ex:  Religious fanaticism has created a lot of communal tension in the country. आतन Ex:  There is tension on my leg muscles. इचन Ex:  There was tension in the area after the riots. . खतराअ Ex:  In 1989 after nearly a year of tension between the United States and Panama खींचाव Ex:  He lived during a period of tension in the Mediterranean उ:   जब उद्वेष्ट निर्मुक्त होता है तब स्थिर खींचाव लागू किया जा सकता है। तनाइ Ex:  In response to this tension and possibly for other reasons तनाउ Ex:  If there is any kind of tension in a surface तनाव Ex:  Commonly referred to as the tensions or the ethnic tension उ:   लेकिन दोनों के बीच तनाव बरकरार रहा। तनावग्रस्त Ex:  Political tension increased तनेनना Ex:  They dance together, forgetting the tension in the room, falling in love. तफक्कुर Ex:  This tension led to race riots तरददुद् Ex:  This is known as tension wood. तश्वीश Ex:  This sequence of events led to an increase in ethnic tension and violence. तसवीस Ex:  His tension towards Gielgud came to a head in 1940 तानना Ex:  Those years of tension are labelled by the opposition as the Years of Lead. दबाव Ex:  Her hands were reddened with tension उ:   इसलिए उस पर दबाव भी ज़्यादा है। प्रविकर्षण Ex:  The resulting tension between Khrushchev फक्कर Ex:  ATR vowels involve noticeable tension in the vocal tract. फिकर ‡ Ex:  Meanwhile, the tension between Paul and Emilie was growing. फिकिर ‡ Ex:  This tension between past फिक्र Ex:  "the tension that seems to exist between liberalism and communitarianism". उ:   वहां उन्हें हर वक्त हिंदुस्तान की फिक्र रही। महम Ex:  It means, in terms of medicine, Who determines pain, heat and tension in an organ in any tissue मानसिक तनाव Ex:  These ensembles consist of various sizes of tension drums विद्युत् शक्ति Ex:  Physics Instrument which used to measure the tension of gases or vapors समारोपण Ex:  Tapering the pressure of a gas or a vapor which increases in volume, or the tension of a spring which returns to its equilibrium
Other : कसाई Ex:  The tension heightened कसाकसी Ex:  Watch out for tension cables. कसाव Ex:  The tension resulted in a fallout between Chappell and Ganguly कसावट Ex:  The tension between Cetshwayo and the Transvaal over border disputes continued. खिंचाव Ex:  While not completely free of racial tension उ:   वैराग्य का अर्थ है, खिंचाव का अभाव। तनन Ex:  There were also periods when tension was reduced as both sides sought détente. उ:   ऐसे पीतल की तनन क्षमता ऊँची होती है। वितान Ex:  Once inside, Roy demands an extension to his lifespan from his maker. उ:   मंदिर के जैन मंडप का वितान बहुत सुंदर है।
Tension ki paribhasha : sushrut ke anusaar ek prakaar ka bndhan jo sir par ke aaghaat ya ghaav aadi par baaandha jaata hai kisi vastu ko usaki poori lnbaayi ya chaudai tak badhaakar le jaana vah rassi jisapar dhobi kapade sukhaate hain
Usage of Tension in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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