Test meaning in hindi
As noun : अमाली Ex: One has to test ones powers of improvisation.
आलक्षण Ex: I stapled all my test paper. इम्तहान Ex: You can test by using this swatch. इम्तिहान Ex: a diagnostic reading test एग्जामिनेशन Ex: Students are using test tubes in the laboratory. कनकनिकष Ex: Stool test is always carried out in pathology. कष्टि Ex: The test tube in which the chemicals were compounded fell from her. कसऊटी Ex: India played a test series with West Indies last year. कसवटी Ex: The test was easy—a blow-off . कसौटा Ex: Todd came through the test with f lying colors . कसौटी पर रखना Ex: I lucked out of taking a driving test . कसौटी Ex: I'm really psyched for this test . उ: इस कसौटी पर भी हिन्दी खरी उतरती है। गणना करना Ex: I ran out of time before I could finish the test . गालोडित Ex: I schizzed out during the test . छानबीन करना Ex: I took the test and just squeaked by . जाँच Ex: I just passed my biology test . उ: इस प्रकार दूसरी बार जाँच रुक जाती है। जाँचना Ex: The test was terrible! I'm sure I wiped out . टैस्ट मैच Ex: Another test is Sickle Solubility test. तारनी Ex: Seven minutes of test footage survives from this recasting नजरअंदाजी Ex: Tolstoy portrays Austerlitz as an early test for Russia निरीक्षण करना Ex: The second test of the peace परक्खना Ex: The first test of Manuel's reign came in 1144 परख Ex: Upon witnessing the world's first nuclear test in 1945 उ: न ही उसे आदमी की ही परख है। परखना Ex: This test measures the amount of CPK in the blood. परिछना Ex: Women should have a Pap test every year until age 30. After age 30 परीक्षण करना Ex: A specially modified trainset reached 574.8 km/h on test runs. परीक्षण Ex: The test was part of an extensive research programme by Alstom. उ: ये परीक्षण दक्षिण अफीका, और युगाण्डा में हुए। परीक्षा करना Ex: Many others had been tested and failed this test of chivalry. परीक्षा Ex: To test the new DB601A engine उ: इन विधियों से अवयवों की परीक्षा आरंभ होती है। प्रतिसंवेदन Ex: Andrea Bertolini was the chief test driver throughout the development प्रश्नावली Ex: In the last unmanned test उ: इसलिए प्रश्नावली वापस मंगाने में समय लग सकता है। बिलोचना Ex: Adelaide hosts an international cricket test every summer शन्न Ex: The first successful test was on October 22 1879 शाणोपल Ex: Many test sites have been explored for oil
Other : आज़माइश Ex: teacher took the test oral language. कस Ex: He joined as a test pilot. कसौटी जांच Ex: The teacher gave the test papers out . जाँच करना Ex: I will test out the new brakes on the car . जांचना Ex: Haile Selassie decided to test this new general with an attack परख परीक्षण Ex: None of the test methods is completely failsafe. शोधना Ex: Subsequent test evacuations achieved the 90-second goal सोना आदि धातु शोधने की कटोरी Ex: Washington, USA where it is sometimes leased to Boeing for test purposes.
Test ki paribhasha : aushadh ke liye dhaatu ka snskaar karana gunadish sthir karane ke liye achchhi tarah dekhana bhaalana kisi ke gun dosh aadi jaanane ke liye use achchhi tarah se dekhane bhaalane ka kaary kisi vishay ki satyata ya vasatvata athava yogyata ya ayogyata ka nirnay karana ek prakaar ka kaala patthar jisapar garadkar sone ki parakh ki jaati hai gunadosh sthir karane ke liye achchhi tarah dekhabhaal dekh bhaala, jaaancha, padtaal aajamaaish ya imtahaan lene ki kriya ya kaary
ExamplesUsage of Test in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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