Testator meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Testator
Other : इच्छापत्रकर्ता,रिक्थकर्ता Ex:  Assignat limitation, limiting provision, Assignat, arrangement whose object is so determined that the legatee has nothing to ask, to claim on the surplus goods of the testator
दित्साकर्ता Ex:  Executor, one that a testator charge of the execution of his will रिक्थपत्र कर्ता Ex:  Holograph, He that is written, dated and signed by the testator वसीयत करने वाला Ex:  Jurisprudence advantage that the testator or the law gives to a joint heirs over others, with which it shares nevertheless rest of the legacy वसीयतकर्ता Ex:  Jurisprudence arrangement by which a testator Instructs its established heir to preserve and make to designate all or part of the property he leaves it, or after a certain time, or in some cases
Usage of Testator in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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