Text meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Text
As noun : अवतरण Ex:  the heading seemed to have little to do with the text उ:   कुछ लोग इसे भी सीता के अवतरण भूमि मानते हैं।
उपदंशित Ex:  None of these weapons changes are largely important in the local context पाठ Ex:  The text does not name him उ:   अब आज का पाठ शुरू करें । पाठ्य पुस्तक Ex:  Thus they believe the shorter text closer to the original पाठ्य भाग Ex:  Because its text contains numerous differences from the later editions बाईबील का विषय वाक्य Ex:  Bernstein reworded Friedrich Schiller's text of the Ode to Joy विषय वस्तु Ex:  Emacs keeps text in objects called buffers. विषय वाक्य Ex:  Though the original text has been lost
Other : इबारत Ex:  All proper names in the text has to be capitalized. उक्‍ति Ex:  The Sanskrit text had to be transliterated पाठ्य Ex:  The First Folio text of 1623 was based primarily on Q3 उ:   पाठ्य विषयों को साधारणतया दो वर्गों में विभक्त किया गया है। मंचपाठ Ex:  Emacs supports the editing of text written in many human languages. मूल ग्रंथ Ex:  In his text Alciphron मूल पाठ Ex:  In other applications such as text editors मूल पाठ् Ex:  The process of normalizing text is rarely straightforward. मूल Ex:  World leaders agreed on a compromise text उ:   कई विद्वानों ने उसे मगध का ही मूल निवासी माना है। मूलग्रंथ Ex:  In a heterogeneous text मूलपाठ Ex:  It had always been a creative text for Hindu priests and Yogis. उ:   ये दोनों मूलपाठ वेदों की संहिताओं और ब्राह्मणों के समान है। मूलशब्द Ex:  For example, "this text between the quotes" is a string. उ:   अधिकांश शब्द-रूप मूलशब्द के अन्त में प्रत्यय लगाकर बनाये जाते हैं। मूल―पाठ Ex:  Unlike modern text editors विषय Ex:  Rasa theory blossoms beginning with the SaMskrit text Nātyashāstra उ:   दर्शन और राजनीति उनके मुख्य विषय थे। व्याख्यान Ex:  The following text has been transcribed from M . सूत्र Ex:  A more controversial text उ:   तरंगदैर्घ्य के सूत्र से इसका मान होता है।
Text ki paribhasha : thode aksharon ya shabdon men kaha hua aisa pad ya vachan jo bahut arth prakat karata ho kisi vishay ki vyaakhya ya tika karane athava vivaran batalaane ka kaam vah bad pradesh jisapar koi shaasan vyavastha ho pedon ka vah bhaag jo prathvi ke niche rahata hai asal grnth jisaka bhaapaantara, tika aadi ki gai ho kisi pustak visheshataः dharmapustak ko niyamapoorvak padhane ki kriya ya bhaav
Usage of Text in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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