Thank meaning in hindi
As noun : आभार Ex:  No cake for me, thank you . उ: आभार ऋणग्रस्तता जैसा नहीं है।
छिमाछिम Ex:  Churchill's first act was to write to Chamberlain to thank him for his support.
As verb : आभार प्रदर्शित करना Ex:  I don't know how to thank you . आभार मानना Ex:  Please don't thank me . कृतज्ञता परकट करना करना Ex:  Good-bye and thank you . धन्यवाद करना Ex:  According to ancient feudal customs, the people were deemed exploitable taille and thank you to धन्यवाद देना Ex:  Action thank धन्यवाद Ex:  condolence visit, thank उ: उन्होंने उस अज्ञात मुनि को धन्यवाद दिया और मणि को उठा लिया। प्रशसन Ex:  Falling under someone's leg, to be in her thank you, be शुकराना Ex:  Getting to thank you शुक्रिया करना Ex:  Give me your hand, warm thank you to a man Formula शुक्रिया मानना Ex:  Give thanks, say thank you शुक्रिया Ex:  God thank you, Grace उ: वो भी उसका शुक्रिया अदा करता है। शूक्रिया Ex:  God thank you, he's satisfied
Other : गुण गाना Ex:  Care for another one, madam? Sue: No, thank you .
Thank ki paribhasha : kisi upakaar ya anugrah ke badale men prashnsa grahaprabndh ki dekhabhaal ki jimmedaari
ExamplesUsage of Thank in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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