The earth meaning in hindi

How to pronounce The earth
As noun : अबनी Ex:  Strong tremors were felt during the earth quake.
अहि Ex:  the inhabited regions of the earth आहेय Ex:  Few of the towns fine buildings predate the earth quake of 1755. उपसूतिका Ex:  The snake represents the earth and vegetation गर्भग्राहिका Ex:  The study of the earth धत्रियो Ex:  Burying, put it in the earth धात्रियिका Ex:  Deep Roots, Roots dipping far into the earth धात्री Ex:  Digging in the earth long before बृद्धयुवती Ex:  It also means a barrel Put on two pieces of wood, called Site, to rise above the earth वर्द्धापिका, वर्धापिका Ex:  The bulge of the earth at the equator
The earth ki paribhasha : vah stri jo kisi shishu ko doodh pilaane aur usaka laalan paalan karane ke liye niyukt ki jaay maatrik gan men thagan arthaat chhah maatraaon ke samooh ka chhatha bhed jisamen se laghu guru guru laghu
Usage of The earth in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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