The ravages meaning in hindi

How to pronounce The ravages
As noun : अधहपतन Ex:  Nothing can rescue us from the ravages of time .
आर्ति Ex:  It says it mainly speaking of which suffered the ravages of time, or some other natural cause उपमर्द Ex:  This building is felt the ravages of time कालधर्म Ex:  This doctrine is a plague that must prevent the ravages क्षयसंपद् Ex:  This village has suffered the ravages of war खपति Ex:  This woman tried in vain to repair the ravages of age खय Ex:  , Nothing is immune to the ravages of time छकार Ex:  , The contempt the years, the ravages of time, the damage that the length of time due to the strength, the beauty of things or persons दहवाट धूरधानी धूलधानी पणास पत्थरपानी प्रणाशन प्रमय प्रहीण बिधंस विणास विनाश उ:   शिलालेख को निर्माण के बजाय गजनी द्वारा विनाश की तारीख माना जाता है। विप्रणाश वैशस व्यपनय व्यापद् व्युच्छित्ति व्युदास सर्वांत सल्ब साति सादनी हति हलाक हलाकत
Usage of The ravages in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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