The rich meaning in hindi

How to pronounce The rich
As noun : अर्थजात Ex:  People were convinced that the rich and famous of the community were in peril.
आढ्य Ex:  Because of trade and industry and the rich cities इभ्य Ex:  "We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles". इभ्यक Ex:  There are Westernized clubs and cafes for the rich दौलतमंद Ex:  Because of the rich transports उ:   यह फोर्ब्स पत्रिका द्वारा विश्व के सबसे दौलतमंद लोगों की सूची है। द्रव्यपति Ex:  Like most of the rich Middle East cities द्रव्यवान् Ex:  In current Western society, only the rich can afford haute couture. धनपात्र Ex:  The listener can hear the rich sound of the orchestra धनराज Ex:  Today Intore dancers are part of the rich Rwandan folklore. उ:   पण्डित धनराज उनके थियोसोफिकल सोसायटी के मित्र थे और आँख से अन्धे थे। धनवारा Ex:  Collecting such art is the preserve of the rich धनानी Ex:  And the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong धनावह Ex:  And the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong धनिप Ex:  Paul, the rich amassed on his anger treasures header धनिष्ठ Ex:  They put a tax on the rich धनी Ex:  This is the rich amateur artists patron उ:   यह भारत के सबसे धनी लोगों में से एक हैं। धनीमानी Ex:  , Good Earth, bad roads, In the rich lands, the roads are bad पृथुसंपद् Ex:  , Good Earth, bad roads, In the rich lands, the roads are bad भूरिधन भोगभुज् लक्ष्मीनाथ वस्य विभववान् श्रीमंत उ:   उनकी माता अखण्ड सोभाग्यवती श्रीमंत महारानी सीता बाई साहिब होलकर थीं। सार्थसंचय
Usage of The rich in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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