The sun meaning in hindi

How to pronounce The sun
As noun : अंशुमान Ex:  the Earth moves around the sun
जलजोनि Ex:  By extension, the sun paled जुहूवान् Ex:  Calendar which contains all the days of the year, holidays, moon phases, eclipses, signs in which the sun enters, and sometimes prognosis the beautiful and the bad weather तमारि Ex:  Full Moon, when the moon has the appearance of a full circle, that is to say when all the illuminated part is rotated by the sun to us तमारी Ex:  Getting in the sun in the day, by the fireplace, behind the door पावक Ex:  The light is a necessary effect of the sun Ex:  The slightly agitated waves shimmered in the sun वक्षण Ex:  The sun gives more beautiful, the sun provides more than ever वर्हिष्केश Ex:  The torch of the day, the sun वाहस Ex:  The water is too cold, the sun attiédira सधि Ex:  The wind, the sun wipes paths wipes land that has been soaked by rain समित्पांथ Ex:  The wounded were lying on the sun waiting to be rescued सम्महा Ex:  These flowers are roasted in the sun सुजिह्व Ex:  This color feared the sun हविरशन Ex:  So they say the moon is in the octants, It is forty-five degrees from the sun हविष्यभक्ष, हविष्यभुज् Ex:  Temps it takes the Earth to complete one revolution around the sun and which is divided into twelve months हिमहानकृत् Ex:  to Scarcely was the sun rose, the sun was barely up we saw the enemy
The sun ki paribhasha : ayodhya ke sooryavnshi raaja sagar ke pautr
Usage of The sun in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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