Theism meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Theism
As noun : आस्तिकवाद Ex:  One of the two genres, one that professes to theism
ईश्वरवाद उ:   ईश्वरवाद में ईश्वर का सान्निध्य ही मोक्ष है।
Other : आस्तिकता। Ex:  In contexts where theism is defined as the belief in a singular personal god ईर्श्वरवाद
Theism ki paribhasha : ishvar ko jagat ka karta maananevaala mat jisamen bhagavaan ke daya daakshiny ki jhalak jagat ke naana roopon aur vyaapaaron men rahasy ki drashti se dekhi jaati hai
Usage of Theism in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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