Themselves meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Themselves
As noun : खुद Ex:  The soldiers camouflage themselves with bushes and leaves. उ:   खुद मैंने सवाल उठाया है ।
मैँ Ex:  Combat aircraft themselves श्र्वज Ex:  The Picts are often said to have tattooed themselves सेँ Ex:  The colonies themselves
Other : अपने Ex:  The gangsters sunder themselves from the group. उ:   अपने प्रथम चरण में यह पार्टी कराची तक सीमित थी। आप Ex:  he ungrudgingly agreed to pay for everybodys dinner when the guests found themselves without cash उ:   आप इस पृष्ठ को सम्पादित करने हेतु आमंत्रित हैं । वे स्वयं Ex:  Many of these dealers started as collectors themselves स्वयं Ex:  The flowers themselves are often called "hops". उ:   पिता स्वयं भी शायर थे।
Themselves ki paribhasha : patni dvaara pati ke liye prayukt any purush ka sarvanaam kisi vastu ko chhaan lene ya saaph kar lene par nikamma bacha hua bhaag
Usage of Themselves in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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