Theorem meaning in hindi
As noun : उपदेशता Ex: The teacher taught a new theorem in Geometry.
कालापक Ex: The theorem is as follows:In any right triangle प्रमेय Ex: Like many of the proofs of the Pythagorean theorem उ: ' - यही तो पाइथागोरस का प्रमेय है। राद्धांत Ex: The Pythagorean theorem is derived from the axioms of Euclidean geometry समुद्देश Ex: This led in 1828 to an important theorem सायणवाद Ex: In fact, Cantor's theorem implies the existence of an "infinity of infinities". सिद्धंत Ex: Cantor remarked that he had effectively reproved a theorem सिद्धांत Ex: Leonhard Euler proved the theorem for n = 3 उ: परंतु सिद्धांत डाल्टन ने दिया है। सिधंत Ex: Adrien-Marie Legendre conjectured the prime number theorem
Other : उपपाद्य Ex: The theorem is named after the Greek mathematician Pythagoras मसला Ex: By the Pythagorean theorem उ: न्यायिक आयोग के गठन का मसला सरकारी झूले में वर्षो से झूल रहा है। साध्य Ex: According to Noether's theorem उ: पुनरभिव्यक्तिमूलक अनुवाद साध्य रूप है - वास्तविक अनूदित पाठ । सूत्र Ex: This fact is called the fundamental theorem of algebra. उ: ८वें अध्याय में ३५ सूत्र हैं।
Theorem ki paribhasha : thode aksharon ya shabdon men kaha hua aisa pad ya vachan jo bahut arth prakat karata ho ek prakaar ke ganadevata jinaki snkhya baarah hai aur jinake naam is prakaar hain—mana, mntaa, praana, nara, apaana, viryavaan, vinirbhaya, naya, dnsa, naaraayana, vrash aur pramunch bhalibhaaanti soch vichaar kar sthir kiya hua mat vah jo prama ya yathaarth gyaan ka vishay ho
ExamplesUsage of Theorem in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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