Thicket meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Thicket
As noun : अप्रकांड Ex:  An interposing thicket blocked their way
कंतरि Ex:  The two scouts tethered their horses to a thicket and crawled on their bellies कुब्र Ex:  A thick thicket खात्र Ex:  Enter, enter the thicket of the forest, or, certainly, in the thicket जंगल Ex:  In terms Fencing Coup thicket उ:   "खोयरी" में आपसपास जंगल और बहुत सुन्दर ताल है। झाडी Ex:  In terms of Forestry, it means out of the thicket Transporter where they were cut wood on cars for them do not damage the new shoots on entering the thicket उ:   यह कांटेदार छोटी झाडी पर उगता है जिसका नाम केपेरिस डेसिदुआ है। झुरमुट Ex:  Mark reserve ancient trees, the modern and young saplings or the age of the thicket दश्त Ex:  of Forestry Branch of a thicket that has allowed to grow पादपखंड Ex:  of Forestry He said Young who returns on a wooden cutting thicket वनगोचर Ex:  The army was in a thicket countries विपन Ex:  thicket Chat is said by सौगंधिक वन Ex:  thicket Country, Country full of woods, hedges, etc
Other : गहन Ex:  Hunting wood or thicket of thorns, where the black beasts retire उ:   वासुकीनाग को भी गहन निद्रा दे कर उसके कष्ट को हर लिया। गह्वर Ex:  I was chasing a hare on the road, but he won the thicket झाड़ी Ex:  It was particularly in terms of Forestry, reserved trees that have more than three times the age of the thicket in which they are located
Usage of Thicket in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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