Thin meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Thin
As verb : छँटना Ex:  The cultivars Borlaug worked with had tall, thin stalks.
छटना Ex:  In most species with a relatively thin dermis छरहरा Ex:  There may also be a thin layer of water clouds underlying the ammonia layer उ:   उनका शरीर लम्बा, छरहरा और क्षीण है। छरेरा Ex:  Canola is very thin and flavorless so it largely succeeds by displacing soy oil छितरा Ex:  While A. fragillimus was relatively thin पतला या कम करना Ex:  Arts thin strip of leather that shoemakers, saddlers, etc पतला होना Ex:  By analogy, he said in a thin and light pastry Sorte, baked between two irons, and the surface usually has small tiles or relief designs बारिकी से Ex:  Give the extremely thin aids Handling the horse about and make her mark very accurately his time and movements महिन Ex:  If the dispute on a subject so thin is that it also wants to महीन Ex:  If thin by work, by excessive abstinence उ:   उस महीन आटे को भी पांच-छ मोटी, बारीक छलनियों से गुजरना पडता है। मेही ‡ Ex:  In terms of Architecture, thin stone a structural member, in reducing the thickness to adjust it to the place it should occupy लघुक Ex:  In terms of Arts, it means a worker who beats some subjects to crush, plaster Drummer , soda, or to thin them, gold beater, tin हल्का Ex:  It still says, colloquially, a flat and thin Nobody उ:   हल्का पेट दर्द या दस्त हो सकता है।
As adjective : अल्पतनु Ex:  her fingers were long and thin . अवगनना Ex:  She has a thin beard. असांद्र Ex:  pod is usually kept in long thin cases. कम Ex:  the dress hung shapelessly on her thin body उ:   ये बहुत कम संख्या में हैं। कृशांग Ex:  They broke through the thin wall easily . क्षीण Ex:  One of the skaters fell through the thin ice . उ:   अपनी क्षीण आशा लेये रमानाथ और जालपा घर लौट गये। क्षीन Ex:  Billy is on thin ice and is in great danger . खंखड़ Ex:  Father got a little thin on top as he got older . खब्भड़ Ex:  What you need to thin you down is less, not more . खाँगो Ex:  You should thin this down with a little water . खीनि Ex:  Many of the innovations of Shaka were not simply created out of thin air खोण Ex:  “Ruth was so thin it was unbelievable. घटबढ़ Ex:  The ammolite itself is actually a very thin sheet, ca. छपटी Ex:  The limbs are small and thin छिदरा Ex:  The teeth range from thin छीन्ह Ex:  On a very thin strip of the northern coast the rainfall can be as high as छुच्छ Ex:  Above this layer is a thin region known as the chromosphere. छेहडा Ex:  A Japanese officer present noted that he looked "pale, thin and tired". छोहनार Ex:  A long thin spit named "Elephant Spit" extends from the east of the island. झुनकार Ex:  Ordinary soda-lime glass appears colorless to the naked eye when it is thin दुबला पतला Ex:  The German air-arm found itself spread thin across Europe धानपान Ex:  Many industries use GTAW for welding thin workpieces निजार Ex:  A thin book निम्ननाभि Ex:  A thin mocking निरुदर Ex:  A thin space निर्क्रृत Ex:  A thin voice, A little voice निर्मज्ज Ex:  Action to thin to thin or न्यायस् Ex:  Anatomy Small very thin skin, film, skin पतला Ex:  By extension, it refers to very thin wood slats which are made combs or ornaments उ:   सूखने पर यही काण्ड पतला हो जाता है। पतीला ‡ Ex:  Canvas and usually very thin परिकृश Ex:  Cut ham into thin slices पातरी Ex:  Cut meat in thin slices strong प्राग्राट Ex:  Cut too thin slices of bread बरीक Ex:  Each of the small and thin sections platforms that cover the skin of some fish and some reptiles बिरल Ex:  His merit, knowledge is thin महल्लक Ex:  If Coming off by means PEEL scales, for thin plates विदस्त Ex:  In terms of Tactical The deep order, as opposed to L 'order thin विभ्रष्ट Ex:  It also means in Divide thin sections like leaves विरर Ex:  It also means of which the edge is cut into small thin teeth and clenched विरल Ex:  It also means the shale rock thin slices whose slate उ:   एक दिन विरल को शन्कर भग्वान को पुजा दिया था। विशीर्णँ Ex:  It also said the plates of thin wood which they make the walls of violins, stringed cellos and other instruments शन्न Ex:  It has a thin voice श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  It is also said Ton end thin समाविद्ध Ex:  It is now said to be thin as a rail सोदधित्व Ex:  It says figuratively a cloth, a very thin paper स्वल्पेच्छ Ex:  It still applies to wide variety of things, flat, and somewhat thin हृस्व Ex:  Kind extremely thin worm, found in pork muscles, which, worn by ingestion in man's body, because a serious illness
Other : इकहरा Ex:  there was a thin skim of oil on the water एकहरा Ex:  He is thin and emaciated. कृश Ex:  the prisoners were appallingly thin कृशकाया Ex:  Rattans long thin stems are used for making furniture. छीदा Ex:  Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere छीन Ex:  This bedrock is covered by a thin layer of soil उ:   परिणामस्वरूप नैपोलियन ने स्पेन पर चढ़ाई की और वहाँ की सत्ता छीन ली। झिरझिरा Ex:  The storyline is thin but well-developed for its time. झीना Ex:  The Times wrote of her ability to "mask her thin झीम Ex:  Huygens observed Saturn and wrote that "It is surrounded by a thin झुरकुट Ex:  Diane Ross sang in a thin तनु Ex:  Fandorin is of average height, with a thin build. उ:   यह तनु नाइट्रिक अम्ल और गरम सांद्र सल्फ्यूरिक अम्ल में घुल जाता है। दुबला Ex:  Paper is thin material mainly used for writing upon दुबला―पतला Ex:  The paper was thin and translucent पतला या कम घना करना Ex:  Bad thin horse पतला या कम घना या गुंजान होना Ex:  Blade thin iron or flexible wood lath, forming a circle, which is used to hold the staves of the barrels, vats, etc बारीक, महीन Ex:  He said of the small things, thin बारीक Ex:  He said, by extension, a thin strong glass bottle, which one draws sounds by blowing on उ:   इसके बाद बारीक बेलनों से इसकी पिसाई होती है। विरला Ex:  It also means thin उ:   चीनीमिट्टी पित्ताशय भी काफ़ी विरला होने वाला रोग है। सूक्ष्म Ex:  It is, by extension, any small part of some long thin things and उ:   फलस्वरूप साधक का एक सूक्ष्म कायाकल्प हो जाता है।
Thin ki paribhasha : yog men asmitaa, raaga, dvesh aur abhinivesh in chaaron kleshon ka ek bhed jisamen chitt men klesh ki avasthiti to hoti hai, par saadhan ya saamagri aadi ke kaaran us klesh ki siddhi nahin hoti jo motaayi ya ghere men itana kam ho ki chhoone se haath men kuchh maaloom na ho kisi vastu ke avayavon ka chhinn hona jisaki motaayi ma ghera bahut hi kam ho jisaka gheraa, lapet athava chaudai kam ho
Usage of Thin in sentences

The word can be used as verb, adjective, transitive verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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