Things meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Things
As noun : अकामता Ex:  an owner of many things and needer of none
उपकारण Ex:  All her things were in a tumble. करम Ex:  He always filches things from the office. उ:   करम त्यवहार में एक विशेष नृत्य किया जाता है जिसे करम नाच कहते हैं । काम Ex:  this things are filterd by filter उ:   उन्होंने अपने काम के लिए कभी नोबेल नहीं जीता। कामविहंता Ex:  Castors facilitates in carrying things from one room to another. कामु Ex:  decrepit, colorless uneager things किरतब Ex:  There is a race to mechanise things today. जातिव्यवसाय Ex:  Reedy things are not very strong. धंधु Ex:  All kinds of things are found littered on roads. नप्स Ex:  i have added two things . नौकर्म Ex:  I have beautiful things containing pendants. बेवसाय Ex:  He did things in threes मुसाहबत Ex:  The two had mostly done commercials and things of that sort. मुसाहवी Ex:  We disagreed on a number of things politically. रखत Ex:  I did all those things रख्त Ex:  Some of these things were possible before the widespread use of the Internet वस्ट्र Ex:  Pythagoras believed that all things were composed of numbers विचेष्टित Ex:  Other things are included as needed वृधसानु Ex:  When considering all the things in the universe-particles संकल्पज Ex:  God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done". सखुनसाजी Ex:  In Canada however, things began to improve. सराजाम ‡ Ex:  Among many other things सामान Ex:  Encompassing such things as rocks उ:   ये अधिकांश अपना सामान यहीं से खरीदते थे। हटैत Ex:  The government was accused of making things worse
Other : असबाब Ex:  non-metal things आवक Ex:  she packed her things and left माल Ex:  Unfortunately, things changed late in the year. उ:   इसका क्षेत्रफल हैं और यह माल को संभाल सकता है। वस्त्र। Ex:  The things that are built are sometimes used as toys once completed सामग्री Ex:  Tawantin is a group of four things उ:   आपको इस मंदिर के बाहर में सभी सामग्री मिल जाएगी ।
Things ki paribhasha : kisi kaary ke liye saadhan svaroop aavashyak vastuean gati ya kriya jo kisi prayatn se utpann ho
Usage of Things in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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