Thinker meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Thinker
As noun : चिन्तक Ex:  Stravinsky the thinker I despise". उ:   लोहिया जी केवल चिन्तक ही नहीं, एक कर्मवीर भी थे।
धर्माधिकरणिक Ex:  Soon Hobbes was more lauded and decried than any other thinker of his time. विचारक Ex:  This book is the work of a thinker उ:   वे एक सुलझे हुए विचारक और गहरे विश्लेषक थे। सोचने वाला Ex:  This is a thinker
Other : चिंतक Ex:  Camus preferred to be known as a man and a thinker उ:   प्रसिद्ध मानवतावादी चिंतक सर टॉमस मोर ने भी ऐसे नाटक लिखे। विचार Ex:  "Master Kung," 551 BCE – 479 BCE was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher उ:   इस खास जन्म के बारे में दो विचार हैं।
Usage of Thinker in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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