Thinness meaning in hindi
As noun : कार्श्य Ex:  A skeletal thinness
कृशत्व Ex:  It is a horse of excessive thinness क्रशिमा Ex:  It said, in terms of Botany, the Parties of certain plants that are covered with a duvet of such thinness that it looks like dust तनुता Ex:  The thinness its subject was forced to resort to episodes to fill pieces तरलभाव Ex:  The thinness of a fabric दुबलापन Ex:  The thinness of style पतलापन Ex:  The thinness of the capillaries महीनता Ex:  The thinness of the size उ: बनारसी रेशम विश्व भर में अपनी महीनता एवं मुलायमपन के लिये प्रसिद्ध है। विरलता Ex:  The thinness of this substance
Other : क्षीण Ex:  Its thinness never prevented from wearing well उ: कठिन तपस्या के कारण देवी का शरीर एकदम क्षीण हो गया। हलका Ex:  , The thinness of a उ: कुछ का रंग हलका होता है और प्रतिबिंब के कारण नीला प्रतित होता है।
ExamplesUsage of Thinness in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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