Thought meaning in hindi
As noun : अतर्भावना Ex: Alexander thought that he was invincible.
अन्यथाभाव Ex: 19th century thought अन्ववेक्षा Ex: Ram was all agog at the thought of joining the new college. अववोधक Ex: his sister would have looked beautiful in that dress, he thought wistfully, just like an angel अवीक्षण Ex: I thought we were partners, not victim and victimizer आगापीछा Ex: He drew up a plan after careful thought इंदिया Ex: A sobering thought इंदिया Ex: A sobering thought इकदाम Ex: The very thought of taking exams disgusts me. इरादा Ex: There are different principles of thought in Buddhism. उ: धोखे के सन्दर्भ में इरादा संकटमय होता है। उड़ियाँना Ex: The young partymen thought their leader is fuddy-duddy. उन्नाय Ex: Acuity of his thought impressed me. कछइक Ex: loneliness tore through him...whenever he thought of...even the compromising Louis du Tillet कुछ कुछ Ex: I thought he liked me, but I got the gate . खयालात Ex: I thought he was going to go bananas . खयालात Ex: I thought he was going to go bananas . ख्याल Ex: Excuse me, I lost my train of thought . उ: रियासत के हर नरेश ने इसका ख्याल रखा। चित्तधारा Ex: In fact, I thought he was touched . चित्तविकार Ex: I often thought of the experiences before चिन्तन Ex: Nobody thought I could win. उ: जो मनन, चिन्तन करता है वही मन है। जजबात Ex: Fuchs thought Ruth was just what the Braves needed, both on and off the field. तजवीज Ex: The circus of Rome is thought to have been influenced by the Greeks तर्कणा Ex: In his carefully thought out scenario तर्कवितर्क Ex: This school of thought was founded by Padmasambhava. ध्या Ex: Chaplin and Keaton thought highly of one another. ध्यात्व Ex: Shelley Winters, when asked what she thought of him, answered, "A gift". पशोपेश Ex: Wong is thought to have had the largest influence on Bruce's training. प्रास्तुत्य Ex: "I really thought I'd be seeing Elvis soon". बीचार Ex: It is generally thought that early in Mercury’s history भावगति Ex: Mariner 10 is thought to be still orbiting the Sun भावगति Ex: Mariner 10 is thought to be still orbiting the Sun भावलिंग Ex: People thought we were serious! मंतव्य Ex: Miep Gies expressed a similar thought उ: रानी ने उन्हें अपना मंतव्य बताया। मति Ex: The shooting was thought to have been politically motivated उ: [वि.] - मति या बुद्धि को नष्ट करने वाला। मनन Ex: Plato's thought is often compared with that of his most famous student उ: मनन से मनुष्य बनता है। राय Ex: This was thought to be a crater. उ: कोलकाता में राय एक कुशल चित्रकार माने जाते थे। रिमार्क Ex: In early medieval thought the Virgin Mary had played a minor role रूढ़ि Ex: In the days of whaling, there was thought to be a single worldwide species. वचार Ex: In Postmodern thought विचार शक्ति Ex: There are now thought to be six main groups विचार Ex: Texhnolyse is thought of as a better-realized example of the cyberpunk genre. उ: हां, विचार किया जा सकता है। विचारधारा Ex: God as the world-creating entity is personalised in Christian thought उ: संसार में समाजवादी विचारधारा तेज़ी से फैल रही थी। संप्रधान Ex: Everybody had thought St. सोच विचार Ex: It is thought that some are still in use, especially on industrial networks. स्वमनीषा Ex: For two years he had thought about it but now मत उ: इसीलिये इस मत के संबंध में विवाद है।
Other : कु Ex: Breathless at thought of what I had done उ: वो शाम कु ना आने की हैं। खयाल Ex: I thought he'd never give in . उ: ताकि मैगडोनिल उसके दिल से अपना खयाल निकाल दे। ख़याल Ex: I thought you were going to Atlanta today . चिंतन Ex: Mary recoiled at the very thought . उ: यह चिंतन एक विशिष्ट संबंध की व्याख्या करता है। चिंतना Ex: We all thought that Mr . चिंता Ex: John thought up a way to solve our problem . उ: जमीन बंटवारे को लेकर इसमें चिंता जताई गई थी। चित्त Ex: I thought on all the fine things we used to do . उ: ध्यान ही चित्त से बढ़कर है । चिन्ता Ex: Miyamoto thought the name sounded "pleasant and significant". उ: संभव- असंभव, स्वाभाविक-अस्वाभाविक, इसकी चिन्ता उन्होंने नहीं की। चेटक Ex: Some schools of thought maintain that it should not be translated at all. उ: उसकी दूसरी रानी 'चेलना' थी, जो कि वैशाली के राजा चेटक की पुत्री थी। थोड़ा सा Ex: When July 1970 came and went, Close must have thought he was safe. धयान Ex: Many buildings in the South Island of New Zealand are thought to be by Lawson विवेचन Ex: Trans acids are increasingly thought to be unhealthy. उ: इसका विवेचन आर्थर कॉम्पटन ने किया था। सो Ex: American political thought उ: सो जानब सतसंग प्रभाऊ।
Thought ki paribhasha : snmaan ki ek upaadhi kisi vastu ki bhali bhaaanti pariksha karana vedaant shaastraanusaar sune hue vaakyon par baar baar vichaar karana aur prashnottar ya shnkaa— samaadhaan dvaara usaka nishchay karana vah jo kuchh man se socha jaay athava sochakar nishchit kiya jaay ek upasarg jo sngya ke pahale lagakar visheshan ka kaam deta hai
ExamplesUsage of Thought in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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