Thoughtlessness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Thoughtlessness
As noun : अंधाधुँध Ex:  C is a proud carelessness, thoughtlessness a proud
अंधेरखाता Ex:  Ironically, Thanks to your thoughtlessness अविचार Ex:  It is inconceivable thoughtlessness कनीति Ex:  It means even thoughtlessly thoughtlessness with बेलिहाज़ी लापरवाही उ:   पीसी की चाबियाँ सुरक्षित रखी जानी चाहिए, लापरवाही से नहीं।
Other : अविवेक Ex:  Make war on someone one on his thoughtlessness on his imprudence on let go of his manners, the negligence of her outfit असावधनी Ex:  This error is the legitimate consequence of your thoughtlessness
Thoughtlessness ki paribhasha : nyaayadarshan ke anusaar vishesh gyaan ka abhaav bhed charaane yogy sthaan
Usage of Thoughtlessness in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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