Thread meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Thread
As noun : अंबुपदधिति Ex:  The spiders thread attached to the window sill
अंबुरय Ex:  unravel the thread अंसुक Ex:  Do not ram the thread too hard or else it would break.
The police van was rammed by a smuggler car.
He rammed his clothes into a suitcase.
अतिवाहन Ex:  We spool thread to fly kites. उपस्रवण Ex:  Spin thread from cotton. ऊरण Ex:  His life now hangs by a thread कंबलक Ex:  Your whole argument is hanging by a thread . कड़ी Ex:  Pragmatism is a guiding thread through which Machiavelli bases his philosophy. उ:   क्योंकि उन्होंने इस स्थान पर कड़ी तपस्या की थी। कड्ढना Ex:  This thread then runs through the appearance of Kuanon कढ्डेरना Ex:  These fibers were split along their length and spun into thread कपड़ा Ex:  The top thicker strings are further wrapped in a thin silk thread उ:   विश्व के लगभग हर भाग में भारत से कपड़ा जाता था। काढना Ex:  The thread was spun on the charkha and rolled on the takli . कुब्र Ex:  adjectively, A thread क्रम Ex:  Arts He said vertical thread meshes of a loom, in each of which are passed one or more horizontal son of the chain उ:   उनमे क्रम और औचित्य रहता है। खात्र Ex:  Arts preparing, by a laundry, thread or silk to receive the dye गावखाना Ex:  Botanical tree of the family of Pineapple, native to America and whose leaves contain a thread which is made ropes and canvas गुजरना Ex:  Botany Small membranous bag which constitutes the essential part of the stamen and which is usually placed at the end of a thread उ:   प्रत्येक कागज के तख्ते को कई बार मशीन में से गुजरना पड़ता है। गुड़ुरू Ex:  Breaking the thread of his discourse, Exit suddenly after his speech and enter another topic घलाहल Ex:  Cord flat or round, silk thread or leather rail at one end or both ends, we pass through eyelets for clamping a part of any clothing and mainly women of corsets, footwear, gaiters घुमावदार मार्ग से हो कर आगे बढ़ना Ex:  Cut the thread चूल Ex:  Each of the three goddesses of fable, called Klotho, Lachesis and Atropos, who spin, dévident and cut the thread of human life छँछार Ex:  FIL also said some metals when they are pulled along in a way so it seems that it untied or thread छड़ोदार Ex:  Follow the thread of a plot डालना Ex:  Follow the thread of his ideas डोरा Ex:  Follow the thread of his ideas made him a reasoning उ:   नारायणा गांव दिल्ली का एक लाल डोरा गांव है। तंतु Ex:  Follow the thread of his ideas, made the reasoning उ:   यह तंतु कोश में रहनेवाले एक प्रकार के कीड़े तैयार करते हैं। तार Ex:  Holding the thread of a plot, By entering the node, उ:   इस तार से इंगलैंड की जनता में बड़ा क्षेभ उत्पन्न हुआ। धागा Ex:  In terms of Mythology, Scissors of Parque, Those with which one of the three Fates going to cut the thread of life उ:   धागा केवल उसका प्रतीक है। धारा Ex:  In terms of physics, wire armature, copper wire covered by a silk thread and used to produce induction currents उ:   इस काव्य धारा में आदर्श पात्रों की सर्जना हुई है। धारी Ex:  It also says a Grand thread that dragged into the fields to take larks, quails, partridges, etc उ:   धारी की जनसंख्या ३५००० है। नंषना Ex:  It means, in terms of surgery, the Meeting of the lips of a wound, usually with needle and thread नदीरय Ex:  It sometimes means the action of interrupting the thread of his discourse, to engage in other ideas निकालना Ex:  Kind of insects which, using a substance derived from their bodies, form a thread and fabric to make the insects on which they feed निर्घातन Ex:  Losing the thread of a case पंगरण Ex:  Make a thread on the edge of the cover of a book परीरणा Ex:  Natural History Who is loosed like a thread पाट्टियाँ निकालनाअना Ex:  Press out something of the thread that holds the पेच Ex:  Small shaped hole eye, practiced in a fabric or leather, surrounded by silk thread or a small circle of metal, and serves to spend a shoelace, cord, etc उ:   इसमें पेच के लिए गिट/गेरिट का उपयोग किया जाता है। पेचपाच Ex:  Take up the thread of his discourse पेचवाँ Ex:  The Parque ruled the thread of his days प्रचर्या Ex:  The Parque ruled the thread of his days प्लोत Ex:  The thread of a screw, The projection helically around its cylinder बस्तर ‡ Ex:  The thread of a sword मंदाक Ex:  The thread of analogy, etc माग निकालना Ex:  The thread of spider is to extremely fine मेलना Ex:  The thread of the narrative मेल्हना Ex:  The thread that held them having broken, the beads fell to the ground रँहि Ex:  WHITE also means the fabrics white cotton thread or रालना Ex:  , De needle thread रास्ता निकालना Ex:  , For they form a thread रास्ता बनाना Ex:  , Some subtleties sewn with white thread लड़ी बनाना Ex:  , Some white thread sewn finesses लताप्रतान Ex:  , The thread of life, of our destinies, today The course of life, of our existence, alluding to the pagan fable of the Fates, who spun , dévidaient and cut the thread of human life लोकयात्रा Ex:  , which is done by means of the needle, the awl with thread of silk, etc वर्त्मकर्म Ex:  Bordure some thread whatsoever, from which hang tapered and which is used to decorate clothing, furniture, draperies, etc वसि Ex:  Cloth towels and absolutely Sheet, Great piece of cloth, thread and cotton which are used to garnish a bed वस्ट्र Ex:  Follow the thread of events वस्त्रक Ex:  S'EMBROUILLER also means lose the thread of his ideas, his speech वस्म वहिया वारिप्रवाह वाससू विचारश्रृंखला व्यवाकृति ष्ठचुम संव्यान सफीफ सरट् सरत् सांस्त्राविण सिचय सिवस सुधापूर सूचीसूत्र सूत्रतंतु सृदाकु स्रौतोवह हेमसूत्र
As verb : पिरोना Ex:  Silk is the thread that produce caterpillars that live on the mulberry tree and called Silkworms सन्नहन
Other : कातना Ex:  A skein of thread a गूंथना Ex:  Canvas household, Canvas whose thread was done in private houses and had more body than that the merchants usually sell चूड़ी (पेंच की Ex:  Cut the thread means figuratively speaking Prevent चूड़ी Ex:  drugget Sort, cloth fabric rough, half wool, half thread उ:   कुछ करखाने चूड़ी बनाते हैं। डोर Ex:  Follow the thread of his ideas उ:   सारा समाज संबंधों की डोर से बंधा हुआ था। तगा Ex:  Grass, blue flower, whose seed is used in many uses and the rod provides a thread that is used to make fine linens and lace तागा Ex:  His life now only holds a thread said, speaking of a Moribund में तागा छोड़ना Ex:  The thread of Sword सूत उ:   जैसे सूत का रूप आदि उससे बुने कपडे़ में। सूता सूत्र उ:   इन सभी ने अलग-अलग सूल्व सूत्र की रचना की। सोने चांदी का तार
Thread ki paribhasha : rooi, sana, resham aadi ko batakar banaaya hua aisa khnd jo chaud ya mota na ho, par lnbaayi men lakir ke samaan door tak chala gaya ho pakadi ya thahari hui vastu ko is prakaar chhod dena ki vah niche gir pade sonaa, chaaandi taaanbaa, loha ityaadi, dhaatuon ka soot rooi, reshama, oon ya san ke taagon se buna hua aachchhaadaan jaisa,— yadi is kapade par kuchh dhaariyaaan hoti to aur bhi achchh hota kisi lakadi ka vah patala sira jo kisi doosari lakadi ke chhed men usake saath jodne ke liye thonka jaay vastuon ya kaaryon ke paraspar aage pichhe aadi hone ka niyam jnjir ya sikadi ki ladi ka ek chhalla chhed ke sahaare soot taage aadi men phansaana ve chhoti chhoti meharaaben jisamen koi badi meharaab vibhakt rahati hai
Usage of Thread in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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