Threatening meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Threatening
As noun : धमकी भरा Ex:  Bismarck obtained his monarch's approval by threatening to resign.
As verb :
आशंकाप्रद Ex:  They extorted money from the executive by threatening to kill his children.
Other : धमक Ex:  Faya-Largeau, threatening to attack the Tibesti and the Aouzou Strip. धमकानेवाला Ex:  Indeed over 40% of the UK incidents threatening pollution संतर्जक Ex:  With the Mahdists threatening Kassala संतर्जन युक्त Ex:  A threatening voice
Threatening ki paribhasha : bhaar dalate hue jamin par padne ki dhvani
Usage of Threatening in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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