Three meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Three
As noun : तिक्की Ex:  the word`error contains three tokens of `r
तिनि Ex:  I made the rangoli in three steps. तिनी Ex:  All three rivers ,ganga ,yamuna and saraswati,meet at prayag. तीन Ex:  There were three nominees for the directors post. उ:   तीन माह के उपचार के बाद वे अब रायपुर लौट गए हैं । त्रण Ex:  For three weeks has been advised abed rest. त्रियन Ex:  In three minutes I'm outa here . त्रि० Ex:  By midnight, he was three sheets . सिह Ex:  Ford and their three sons उ:   जैसे दोहा छंद पर अपभ्रंश में राम सिह ने पाहुड़दोहा नामकी रचना लिखी। से ‡ Ex:  All three are based in Dublin. सैह Ex:  , and by three year' imprisonment".
Other : त्रय Ex:  The album debuted on the U.S. ''Billboard'' 200 albums chart at number three त्रि Ex:  Give me three litres of milk.
Three ki paribhasha : taash ka vah patta jisapar tin bootiyaaan bani hon sarayoopaari braahmano men tin gotron ka ek varg
Usage of Three in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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