Throughout meaning in hindi
As noun : भर में Ex: Canadian troops were stationed in Germany throughout the Cold War
As adverb :
पूरे Ex: Chiang Kai-shek used several names throughout his life. उ: पूरे गान में ५ पद हैं। पूर्णतया Ex: Hundreds of ethnic groups have existed in China throughout its history. उ: यह विश्व का प्रथम पूर्णतया खुला भुगतान तन्त्र है। शुरु से अंत तक Ex: Augustus has also been subjected to criticism throughout the ages. शुरू से अन्त तक Ex: Art Deco influences are found throughout the city में उ: नवरात्रोत्सव में घटस्थापना करते हैं।
Other : तमाम Ex: Monocracy existed in the medieval ages throughout the world. उ: इन तमाम कसौटियों पर यह उपन्यास कुंदन हो गया है। नखशिख से Ex: Socrates was contained throughout his trial. नखसिख से Ex: I remained up throughout most of the night . नितान्त Ex: Indian films came to be followed throughout Southern Asia उ: पांडवों के आत्मालोचन का यह अंश कवि की नितान्त मौलिक उद्भावना है। पूरे में Ex: Existential themes have been hinted at throughout history. प्रत्येक भाग में Ex: Tecumseh, were valued allies of the British throughout the campaign. संपूर्ण Ex: Western Union offices are also found in many locations throughout the city. उ: संपूर्ण जिला एक समतल एवं उपजाऊ प्रदेश है। सरासर Ex: Non-stop destinations include cities throughout Canada सर्वत्र Ex: The Baikal Seal or nerpa , is found throughout Lake Baikal. उ: संसार में सर्वत्र आर्थिक योजनाओं की चर्चा है। साद्यन्त Ex: Sunny/blue skies can be expected throughout the year.
Throughout ki paribhasha : vah raag jisamen saato svar lagate hon
ExamplesUsage of Throughout in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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