Throw away meaning in hindi
As noun : अपासन Ex:  In terms of the game, it said in a locker Kind drilled on top of several openings in which one seeks to throw away small copper pucks, to win a certain number of points
उत्प्रास उदसन उद्धूनन उलछारना् गँमाना गँवाना घलाहल छनकान झीँकना फिकना फेंकना मोकना रालना विनिक्षेप व्युदास सन्यासन
As verb : जानबूझकर लापरवाही से बोलना बर्बाद कर देना
Throw away ki paribhasha : paas ki vastu ko nikal jaane dena
ExamplesUsage of Throw away in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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