Tight meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tight
As noun : अवगनना Ex:  This peg is a tight fit on this hole.
This clause does not fit in this agreement.
कड़ी Ex:  Gert is kept on a tight leash by her habit . उ:   यह बार्बी इन ए मरमेड टेल के लिए एक कड़ी है। कम Ex:  The new office manager really runs a tight ship . उ:   करों को कम करना शुरू कर दिया। खाँगो Ex:  Although some authors still recommend a tight playing style घटबढ़ Ex:  A tight horse front, the back, a narrow horse before, the behind छुच्छ Ex:  He also said, by analogy, a garment that is too tight छेहडा Ex:  He said again Termination of a song, a bright and tight rhythm छोहनार Ex:  He said, to similar effect, of some things that are loose, not tight as they could be महँग महँगा महघ महघा मुहंगा ‡ विचारश्रृंखला सोदधित्व स्वल्पेच्छ हृस्व
As adjective : अखोल Ex:  He has a tight schedule. अगह Ex:  The sypsiegils generally tie their hair in tight dreadlocks अघोर Ex:  Reema was wearing a dress that was very tight at the waist. अटपट Ex:  I couldnt go to the market as I had very tight schedule. अड़बड़ Ex:  Skin tight dress is now the fashion of young generation. अड़भंगी Ex:  He slackened the tight belt round his waist. अतिव्यस्त कार्यक्रम Ex:  She wears tight dresses. अद्रव Ex:  The fatjer gave the son a smack on his back.
Teacher gave him a tight smack.
अधघट Ex:  You can carry food in air tight container. अनहड़ Ex:  Every constituency needs tight security. अनुपलब्ध Ex:  It was a tight race. उ:   प्रथम दो अनुपलब्ध ग्रन्थ है। अमुक्तहस्त Ex:  The pillow had a tight dressing आरेचित Ex:  I took ahold of his hand and held on tight . इष्टिपच Ex:  It's really tight in this doorway . उपोढ़ Ex:  My new coat is a little tight . कंजूस Ex:  Harry f lew to Gloria and hugged her tight . कठिन Ex:  He jerked his belt up tight . उ:   किन्‍नर कैलाश जाने का मार्ग काफी कठिन है। कठेठ, कठेठा Ex:  She kept a tight grip on him . कनौड़, कनौड़ा Ex:  It pops in and holds tight if you do it right . करमट्टा Ex:  Slide in the buckle and make sure it's tight . कस कर भरा हुआ Ex:  Gee, my pants are getting tight . कसकर Ex:  The skin on his scalp is tight as a drum . उ:   जो बीते साल कसकर पड़ा। कसा हुआ Ex:  This window is stuck tight as Dick's hatband . किंपच, किंपचान Ex:  Óscar Arias was re-elected in a tight and highly contested election कुढ़ब Ex:  After immobilising her with a tight grip of his arms क्रक्कस Ex:  The government's tight control of spending and the money supply क्रपण Ex:  Akkad worried over the tight schedule क्षोदक्षम Ex:  There are tight controls of these limitations. गुंजान Ex:  Protein binding can be extraordinarily tight and specific ग्राव Ex:  The high and tight haircut घनदार Ex:  A tight logic, a tight reasoning Rigorous logic, rigorous reasoning घनरस Ex:  A tight trousers घना Ex:  By analogy, it means that Clear is tight उ:   यह पेड़ काफी घना और सुन्दर होता है। घनो—पु Ex:  Carousel Who is lively, quick, tight चंड़ Ex:  Chest wide, narrow, tight चासू Ex:  Close the fist, close hand and hold tight चुस्त Ex:  Fabric more or less tight horsehair, silk, etc जरपरस्त Ex:  He still refers Certain part, strong tight and very hard, which is sometimes found in the interior of the tree जिच्च Ex:  Him and keep a tight rein, holding his short flange The deal with some severity जुजरस Ex:  Hold her tight rein झोँप Ex:  Holding tight rein to a young man, let Him little freedom The short hold टाइट Ex:  In terms of Surgery, Wound clamped, one whose edges are tight उ:   पुरुष टाइट पैन्ट एवं बटन वाला लम्बा कोट या अचकन पहनते हैं। टिपटाप Ex:  In terms of typography, compact volume is said of a book whose printed text is very tight ठसा हुआ Ex:  In terms Ride, Hold tight rein a horse, He held the short flange ठोस Ex:  It also means Making tight उ:   ठोस अवस्था के अभिलक्षणिक गुणधर्म निन्नलिखित हैं। तंग Ex:  It also means of which the parties are tight उ:   केवल नदियों के किनारेवाले भागों में तंग घाटी मिलती है। तंगदिल Ex:  It also means Pucker, and said that some menus and tight folds that one made of linen, fabrics to थीन Ex:  It also means, in terms of Botany, the edge of which is divided into tight ends against each other दकीक Ex:  It also said some leather whose grain is beautiful and tight दुःखछिन्न Ex:  It also says a little tight fabric, made of horsehair, silk or wire, used to spend more loosed flour, or some powder; and, in general, any piece of cloth used to spend liqueurs to filter दुतार Ex:  It came out of a tight दुनियापरस्त Ex:  It is, by extension, all tissue that n is not tight दुरुह Ex:  It means even less tight Making, decrease in number दुश्वार Ex:  It was a tight game, a game Bright दृड्ढ Ex:  It was not put together strong enough, tight enough दृढ Ex:  Of which the parties are in large quantities and tight उ:   यह मोटी दृढ कंडरा एड़ी के ऊपर प्रतीत की जा सकती है। दृढ़मुष्टि Ex:  Release what is tight द्रवेतर Ex:  short hair fabric tight and निकुंचित Ex:  Solid wood, compact Bois whose fabric is tight निबड़ Ex:  Species of linen or hemp very fine and a very tight fabric नीरंध्र Ex:  Species wide trousers, tight at the bottom, worn by many ancient peoples पत्थरचटा Ex:  Stand back a little, we will be less tight परीत्त Ex:  This character is too broad, too tight परीत्त Ex:  This character is too broad, too tight पोढा़ Ex:  This horse has tight heels प्रदानकृपण Ex:  tissure firm, tight फल्गुद Ex:  We must let go of this corset that is too tight बद् धमुष्टि Ex:  Which of the two types n ' is loose, not tight as it could or should be बराबर की Ex:  Who is condensed, the parts are very tight बहलित Ex:  You have tight wall near the well बूरा Ex:  , be stored, tight , pressed like herrings in keg, is said of several persons or several things rows and pressed against each other बेँड़ा Ex:  , It carries it, said, referring to a place where there is a large crowd, where there is very tight मंदा Ex:  , Remove somebody of a tight मदहोश मामक मुश्किल मुस्तैद मुहाल मूर्ण मूर्त्तिमान मेद्य मोहाल लिष्ट वज्रमय वसीक विंझ विखेद विनिमीलित विमूर्त व्यायत व्यालीन संकुचित उ:   वाक्यों को संकुचित करके लिखा जाता है। संकोचित संगूढ़ संघानित संपिडित संहतिशाली सक्कस समवस्थित सशल्य साँकड़भीड़ो सुगहन स्वधित हलाकान ‡
Other : कड़ा Ex:  My father keeps my brother on a tight leash . उ:   इसका अमेरिका ने कड़ा विरोध किया। कसाहुआ Ex:  The snake wound into a tight coil . कसी Ex:  1988, performing with a tight back-up band featuring guitarist G. E. Smith. उ:   इन्हीं में दरवाजे, या खिड़कियों की चौखटें कसी जाती हैं। कड़ा Ex:  The circuit has many elevation changes and tight corners, along with a tunnel. तना Ex:  It also means, for exaggeration, Gather in one place many people, so they are tight against each other उ:   इसका तना फूला हुआ होता है। दृढता से Ex:  Pull something out of the place where it was placed tight or दृढ़ता से Ex:  Room greenery, surrounded by thick hedges Place or tight and shrubs whose size hardly exceeds that of a room in an apartment प्रगाढ Ex:  This loop is too tight it hinders the circulation of blood प्रगाढ़ Ex:  This rifle differs lead, or absolutely This rifle away, he does not, he launches not her tight and well together lead मजबूत Ex:  Cloison tight उ:   एसिटिक एनहाइड्राइड एक मजबूत एसिटिलिकरण घटक है। मजबूती से मज़बूत उ:   गुर्रम कोंडा की पहाडी पर एक मज़बूत क़िला है। मज़बूत सख्त उ:   हवा में खुला रखने पर हार्ड ग्राउंड सख्त हो जाता है।
Tight ki paribhasha : ek paudha jise snskrat men gavedhuk aur kashuk kahate hain vraksh ka jamin se oopar nikala hua vahaaan tak ka bhaag jahaaan tak daliyaaan na nikali hon jisake avayav ya ash paas paas sate hon talavaar ke battis haathon men se ek haath jahaaj ka vah bhaag jo adar ki or jhuka ho 3735 men pade jisaka mooly saadhaaran ya uchit ki apeksha adhik ho jnjir ya sikadi ki ladi ka ek chhalla jisaki satah dabaane se na deb ya mushkil se deb kachchi chini jo bhoore rng ki hoti hai
Usage of Tight in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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