Tighten meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tighten
As noun : समाकुचन Ex:  If he does not confess, tighten his thumbs
सीमित करना Ex:  In terms of Carousel, aptly Kissing horse, tighten the thighs to be firmer
As verb : कसना Ex:  , which is an attempt to tighten Euclid's axioms, he states,. कस्सना Ex:  Attach and tighten a rope तनना Ex:  Each unit must tighten its sailor before भीँचना Ex:  Enclose tighten in a narrow prison
Other : कड़ा करना Ex:  You tighten the string with a screw. जकडना Ex:  Before closing the store, committed tighten all the goods they had spread जकड़ना Ex:  In terms of Printing, he said wood pieces surrounding the character pages, and one side is cut obliquely to receive the corners that serve to tighten as
Tighten ki paribhasha : vah rassi jisase taanane ka kaary kiya jaata hai ek prakaar ka jaharila makad
Usage of Tighten in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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