Till meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Till
As noun : अयुज Ex:  He worked till the dregs
गोलक Ex:  He is purported to have said, "Tell her to wait a moment till I'm done". जोतना Ex:  The Principality of Armenia lasted till 884 उ:   कच्चे खेत को नहीं जोतना चाहिए, नहीं तो बीज में अंकुर नहीं आते। तक Ex:  These features usually appear as linear mounds of till उ:   आज तक ये किसी ने किया है । तग Ex:  Glacial depressions are also produced in till deposits. ता Ex:  Tillite is a sedimentary rock formed when glacial till is lithified. उ:   इस स्थामन का संबंध हड़प्पा सभ्य ता से भी जोड़ा जाता है। ताँईं Ex:  Siva, one among the Trimurthi was the supreme power till Kali Yuga. दराज Ex:  Moraine or till is the most common type of soil उ:   रेल सेवा ने ब्रितानी व्यापारियों को दूर दराज के गावों तक पहुँच दे दी। परजंत Ex:  From 2 January 1942 till the end of war airship operations in the Atlantic पर्यत Ex:  Thus, till the data convey some information, they are not useful. ले ‡ Ex:  Farewell till we meet again, or, लौँ Ex:  Give the land till the third, the third way
As verb : खेत जोतना Ex:  He glared fixedly at the man till he went away.
Other : उस समय तक Ex:  my computer has got best configuration till now. खेती Ex:  Write the numbers till twenty. उ:   यहां गन्ने की सर्वाधिक खेती की जाती है। गल्ला Ex:  The coals smoldered till late at night.
He was smouldering with anger.
गुल्लक Ex:  I'll be here till hell freezes over . गोलाश्मी मृत्‍तिका Ex:  Peter remained bedridden till late autumn. टिल Ex:  Since 9 till 11 he had been lecturing. उ:   उन्होंने नोटा को "नो टिल ऑल्टरनेटिव" करार दिया। ड््रावर Ex:  Long talks on political issues often continued till evening. तब तक Ex:  Lodgement till is identical with ground moraine तलक Ex:  Glaciofluvial deposition and till deposits. पर्यंत Ex:  This lasted at least till the days of Procopius उ:   गलफड़ जीवन पर्यंत उपस्थित रहते हैं। रुपया रखने का सन्दूक Ex:  This decision cannot be left to anyone till the last day . रूपया रखने का सन्दूक Ex:  Farewell till we meet again, or,
Till ki paribhasha : khet men anaaj bone ka kaary jotane bone se utpann honevaale paudhon ke phala, phool aadi ki upaj vah sndook ya thaili aadi jisamen kisi vishesh kaary ke liye thod thod dhan sngrah karake rakha jaay mej men laga hua sndookanuma khaana jisamen kuchh vastu rakhakar taala laga sakate hain ratha, gaadi, kolhoo, charase aadi ko chalaane ke liye usake aage baila, ghode aadi pashu baaandhana ek vibhakti jo kisi vastu ya vyaapaar ki sima athava avadhi soochit karati hai
Usage of Till in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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