Tillage meaning in hindi
As noun : आराजी Ex:  The ground is ready for tillage for this season.
खेत Ex:  Iron Gardening Tool, bifurcated or inverted teeth, which gardeners use to give tillage with vegetables उ: खेत समतल और जलनिकास योग्य होना चाहिए। जुताई Ex:  tillage Beef उ: कृषि में जुताई एक महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है। मजरूआ वलज वारट शाकिन हलहति
Other : कर्षण Ex:  In 1927–28 the winter tillage area was badly affected due to low snow levels. कृषिकर्म Ex:  Generic term by which means the different types of tillage tools that vary by country and needs खेती Ex:  The instruments of tillage उ: फलों की खेती के लिये। जोताईर्
Tillage ki paribhasha : khet men anaaj bone ka kaary vah chamade ka tasma ya rassi jisaka ek sira ghode, bail aadi jote jaanevaala jaanavaron ke gale men aur doosara sira us chij men bandha rahata hai jisamen jaanavar jote jaate hain
ExamplesUsage of Tillage in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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