Tilt meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tilt
As noun : आलोचना Ex:  The new constituency has a tilt in his favour.
The courts tilt towards conservative rulings may not always be welcome.
उ:   न्यूटन ने शाब्दिक आलोचना पर लिखा, सबसे विशेष है।
उद्घात Ex:  John finished his running at full tilt . उपकथन Ex:  The Earth's tilt varies between 21.5 and 24.5 degrees over 41,000 years. ओनवाना Ex:  The result is to tilt the rotor disk in a particular direction जुकाव Ex:  Jupiter's axial tilt is very small झुकना Ex:  Mars's axial tilt is 25.19 degrees झुकाना Ex:  The planet's minute axial tilt , also minimises seasonal temperature variation. झुकाव Ex:  The reason for Uranus' unusual axial tilt is also not known with certainty उ:   बचपन से ही साहित्य की ओर उनका झुकाव था। झौँक Ex:  In terms of architecture, it means tilt of chimney pipe or downpipe टिन्नाफिस्स Ex:  It also means Curve, tilt what is naturally right डगमगाना Ex:  Slope, tilt that is given to the vertical surface of a building or land ढोकना Ex:  Steeple, each tilt his body not more than one side than the other, or alternatively one and the other side नमस् नामना रुमझुमाना लरकनी वरमना वौकाना समंचन हलमलना
Other : एक किनारे से उठाना Ex:  Mercury’s axial tilt is only 0.01 degrees. चंदवा Ex:  Because of the axial tilt of the Earth झुकना[झुकाना Ex:  The tilt angle,from horizontal तम्बू उ:   कुछ देर बाद तम्बू से खून की धारा निकलती दिखाई दी। नति पैतरे बदलना बड़ी तेजी से भाला चलाना भाला चलाने का खेल वितान उ:   इसका वितान उलटे कमल पुष्प के समान है। शामियाना सैनिक खेल हथौडे से पीटना हथौड़े से पीटना
Tilt ki paribhasha : sushrut ke anusaar ek prakaar ka bndhan jo sir par ke aaghaat ya ghaav aadi par baaandha jaata hai kisi khadi chij ke oopar ke bhaag ka niche ki or tedha hokar latak aana kisi khadi chij ke oopari bhaag ko tedha karake niche ki aur laana kisi or latakane, pravratt hone ya jhukane ki kriya kisi vastu ke gun dosh ka vichaar
Usage of Tilt in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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