Timely meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Timely
As noun : समयोचित Ex:  SEASON own time means even for something, timely
As adverb :
आर्तव Ex:  He got timely help from his friends. ठीक समय पर Ex:  Without timely treatment प्राक्चिर Ex:  Engaged join their bodies in a timely manner यथासमय Ex:  He did timely in his speech, but it was so well appointed, that was easily recognized उ:   आवश्यकतानुसार यथासमय टीका लगवाना चाहिए। सकाल Ex:  It also says things and means Precipitate Events before timely समय पर Ex:  Jurisprudence It is used only in these terms: Tacitus renewal, automatic renewal of a contract, a lease if it has not been denounced timely सही समय पर Ex:  That's right, regular, making timely what to do, what he promised सामयिक Ex:  The meeting is timely उ:   प्रत्येक सत्य की स्थिति सामयिक प्रतिज्ञा की स्थिति है।
Other : ठीक समय से Ex:  A more timely शीघ्र Ex:  In timely manner उ:   शीघ्र ही दोनो पक्षों में समझौता हो गया। समय के अन्दर Ex:  It means particularly Remove timely advances that had been made in a case that turns bad समय से Ex:  Making a claim timely
Timely ki paribhasha : bhaagavat ke anusaar kuruvnshiy agnivarn ke putr ka naam
Usage of Timely in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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