To burst meaning in hindi
Other : अलग हो जाना Ex:  I must ask you not to burst into my office again .
एकाएक प्रकट हो जाना Ex:  His hatred awaits a pretext to burst खिलना Ex:  My transport today expect to burst चटकना Ex:  The dispute heats up, the storm is about to burst चटखना Ex:  This horse is hard to shoe, he closes the horn, hard, soft, prone to burst चिटकना Ex:  This violence was not to burst तोडना Ex:  , which is preparing and is ready to burst निकल भागना फटना फूटना फोड़ना मसकना विस्फोट उ: जिसे शान्तिपूर्ण परमाणु विस्फोट कहा गया।
ExamplesUsage of To burst in sentences
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